Compiling and executing are different. Compile is the button highlighted on the left, execute highlighted on the right. Which is disabled?
If execute is disabled then it could be for any number of reasons, most too obscure to list here.
Is your package body loaded? If so, is the package body tab active? You can’t debug from the specification tab, must be the body tab IIRC.
Do you have the right privileges? Go to Help|Toad Advisor. Do you see a message like the one shown below? If so, your schema lacks the DEBUG CONNECT
SESSION and DEBUG ANY PROCEDURE privileges or DEBUG and EXECUTE privs on the object. See the requirements in the
Oracle docs.
From: Jonny1 []
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 2:39 PM
Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Compile package with debug that have no paramaters
Compile package with debug that have no paramaters
Thread created by Jonny1
Apologies if this is very simple to answer/borderline stupid. I’m trying to debug a package I’m writing and I can never compile with debug. When I go to execute the package the execute button
is always greyed out.
I have 4 functions and a procedure in the package, none of them pass any parameters as they are working with the current date and then going through a series of logic for financial billing.
What am I doing wrong here or is this the correct behaviour?
And how would be best to go about debugging the functions + procedures in the package?
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