connetcion problem

Hi i’m using toad modeler freeware and i can’t connect to to my mysql server, i’m getting the message #28000Access denied for user ‘root’@‘xx.xx.xx.xx’ (using password: YES)" and i xx.xx.xx.xx is not the ip address that i’ve wrotten in the text box being the one i use yy.yy.yy.yy.

I’m also using toad for mysql and i have no connection problems with the same server yy.yy.yy.yy using the same user, pwd and port

if you could help me i’d very thankful


what connection method did you use and what MySQL version do you have? You can connect to MySQL 5.1 via native connection or ODBC (or obsolete native connection). Try another connection method.



mysql is and i use connection tipe TCP.

I’ve tryed the odbc connection with the modeler and the message is the same and with obsolete native connection it gives the message error loading library libmysql.dll



so both ODBC and native connections wrote you that you tried to connect to IP that is different than the one you specified in connection string/ODBC settings, right? Can you check if you are able to establish connection with the same user name, with identical connection string - in Toad and not TDM, please? And please confirm you are trying to access the database from the same computer machine when working with Toad and TDM. Thank you.

BTW: no virtualization is used, correct?




I got more information about mysql connections. I thought it retured different IP for host, but the IP is your own IP. MySQL can check if the user IP belongs among allowed IP addresses. That means there should be no difference between Toad and TDM. If you access the database from the same machine, you should be able to access it from Toad and TDM. Or you should not be able to access it at all.



yes, that was what i think… that i shloud have no problems, but from the same machine, to same server, same port though the same protocol i can only acces with Toad for Mysql but not with TDM

the complete message is

Connection failed because of the following error: "
#28000Access denied for user ‘root’@‘xx.xx.xx.xx’ (using password: YES)" | | 1034 | 4 | 2144| 0
3 | 06/08/2010 12:53:02 | Connection failed because of the following error: "Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘yy.yy.yy.yy’ (10061)

i dont know who is xx.xx.xx.xx and server is yy.yy.yy.yy but the ip i use in the connection configuration is zz.zz.zz.zz (server too)

i’m doing ping to xx.xx.xx.xx and i have no answer but i dont know why is TDM using this IP, i dont use it in any place at all.


Let us ask you where you connect:

  • outside the internal net
  • within the internat net
  • directly in your machine.

Here’s just an extract from MySQL web about the access denied, the IP address xx.xx.xx.xx:
•The Access denied error message tells you who you are trying to log in as, the client host from which you are trying to connect, and whether you were using a password. Normally, you should have one row in the user table that exactly matches the host name and user name that were given in the error message. For example, if you get an error message that contains using password: NO, it means that you tried to log in without a password.


Vladka + Mario

I’m connecting outside the internel Net

still fighting


So, if you are connecting outside the internal Net, the address xx.xx.xx.xx that returns to you is a public IP address that you can see in MySQL when you are connecting to it.

We really don’t know how it is possible that it works in Toad but not in TDM. We are not able to simulate the problem. Very sorry.


Vladka + Mario

Hi…May be your yy.yy.yy.yy IP is your GATEWAY IP. This ip may used in your router.

In your MySQL allow host privileges “any” %
