I'm using MSSQL 2005 and Toad Data Modeler 2.25.
I want to genereate cascade delete triggers, but the deafault behaviour is to create AFTER DELETE triggers which is not useful since foreign key constrains kicks in before this time.
I modified CreateTriggerDelete to create a INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger which works OK, but I need to delete from current table in addition to the child tables as well:
delete %tablename% from %tablename% t, deleted d
where t.key = d.key
How to I generate the key part? I tried using @ForRelPk() but it keeps crashing..
Please write us how exactly you modified the code. Unfortunately, we’re not sure if we understand well. More information would help us. Thanks in advance.
Note: In this community, only issues on TDM3 are disscussed. So, please post your other future questions on TDM2 to support@quest.com. Thanks!
The CreateTriggerDelete was modified using the Templates Editor.
The modified function can be viewed in the attached file in the first post (t.txt)
The problem is that I want to generate the where part of the delete statement
delete myTable from myTable t, deleted d
where t.myKey = d.myKey
… this, what you commented in t.txt, is generated in template TriggerParentDelete that should be run on line: @forchild("", “”, template(TriggerParentDelete), “”, “”)
If you like to generate it directly in the script, it should be enough if you write this: @forchild("", “”, ForRelPk( tb , tb , “t.[%tablename%] = d.[%tablename%]” , " and %cr%", “”), “”, “”)
Unfortunately, there is not a complete documentation on this. Nevertheless, some basic information can be found in the IScript.pdf doc (please see the attachment).
Have a nice day.
Note for other readers: This thread applies to TDM2! tdm_iScript.pdf (215 KB)