Dark Theme font color issues

When using a dark theme, there are several areas where the system font color is still black on dark background or light on light background making it very difficult to read. Any fix for this? I'm currently using the "Office 2016 Black" skin.



Hi there - there are a lot of areas for dark themes that we are scheduled to work on in future releases. I am using "Visual Studio 2013 Dark" and have had okay results.

Hello folks,

I am on TDP 5.3, and my -options-editor-formatting styles selection is not being applied to my editor window. I have adjusted text colors within formatting styles. Yet, when I go under -options-editor-code completion-aliases I can see my new colors being applied. In both the Editor Window and and in -options-editor-formatter I do not see these new color sections reflected.

Any insight would be most apricated.
I have changed my editor window & I am on visual studio 2013 dark too.

Thank you.

@Julie_Hyman @amlloyd