I am wondering if it is possible to generate data dictionaryfor the Views?
E.g. it lists all the attributes of the views as well as thedata type (e.g. Text or Numeric…etc), Like the cut down version of the datadictionary on table, instead of display everything, it displays the name of thefield and data type … etc
I would like to have some features which could generate datadictionary (a table) from VIEWs (which lists all the fields name on the VIEWs,it would be great if I could also has a column about where the informationrefer to as well). I do not know if it is possible in the reverse engineering process,it could analysis the views so it know how many fields are in the view.
E.g. VIEW dummy “SELECT t1.a , t1.b, t2.c FROM tbl1 t1 INNERJOIN tbl2 t2 WHERE t1.d = t2.d”
VIEW dummy
Field Name tablefrom comment
A tbl1
B tbl1
C tbl2
Please let me know if you do not understand what I mean, I willtry to explain again.