Data Point 5 - sharePoint 2016

I'm attempting to export a share point list to flatfile with an Export item in an automation task. I can connect to the share point site, I can brows the list objects just fine, and I see the various fields in the lists.

The task fails with (redacted proprietary nomenclature):

2/29/2020 11:32:49 AM: Export_1 - OData: HTTP 400 Bad Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> The request includes 21 $expand segment(s), but the maximum allowed is 7. https:///sites//_repository/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/Requests?$top=2000&$skip=0&$expand=**...(shows all fields from my list)**

2/29/2020 11:32:49 AM: OData: HTTP 400 Bad Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> The request includes 21 $expand segment(s), but the maximum allowed is 7. https:///sites//_repository/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/?$top=2000&$skip=0&$expand=**...(shows all fields form my list)** 2/29/2020 11:32:49 AM: Failed

I have edited the export template and unselected all fields except 4 or 5, and it still generates the same error. I've read that SharePoint has a hard limit of 7 segments that can be expanded from an odata request. Am I missing something?


I tried the Import/Export wizard also. When I set my connected datasource as my target db (mysql) and then go to Import Wizard, and select SharePoint as the source, it throws this error:

Let's see if someone else amongst our users has experienced this, and if they have a work-around. Be ready to pass this one to our Support group if no one responds here in the next day or two.

Shameless bump........

Have you tried exporting from Sharepoint to different locations like Local Storage or maybe to an Excel file? I'm not exactly sure what you're doing and which activities you are using.

Dan, this is nothing more than an an Export Wizard using a sharepoint connection.
