db2 zos connections are not currently licensed toad

Hi All

I am getting “db2 zos connections are not currently licensed toad” when i tried to login to Toad for IBM DB2.


As of Toad for DB2 version 6, DB2 Connect PE (Personal Edition) - for mainframe connectivity - is not bundled with the software and you need to have DB2 Connect PE with a valid license installed on your client machine.

To find out what you have currently, go to “Command Prompt” and type “db2licm -l”. You should see:

Product name: “DB2 Connect Personal Edition”

License type: " Client Device"

Expiry date: " Permanent"

Product identifier: “db2conpe”

Version information: “9.7”

Thank you for the reply Nattagh.

I am getting getting below details. Please let me know if i am missing anything.

Product Name: IBM Data Server Client
Product Identifier: db2client
Version Information: 10.5

It does seem that you need DB2 Connect PE with a valid license installed on your machine, but please check with Toad technical team before.


Toad for DB2 does not yet support IBM’s Data Server driver. It’s on our to-do list to support in the future. You will need a DB2 client installed to use Toad.
