When you do “Edit Form As” you get a package list. It would be helpful if the package the form is in is the selected one.
Eg, If I go to edit the Model Scripting form (which is in the ModelScripting Package) Database Oracle 9i is usually the highlighted package. It would be better if ModelScripting was highlighted.
After you select Customize Form as, a Package List will open. System package for appropriate db is highlighted, however, in fact, it does not matter what package is highlighted as you can save the changes only to your user package (My Package or any add-on you created), which you have to select in the Package List.
If you have any remarks, please feel free to write me back. Thanks.
I though it would be helpful to have the package the form is in highlighted so if I want to make another alteration to a form in one of my packages I wouldn’t have to look for the correct pacakage.
Now I understand what you mean (or I think I understand ). - The highlighted package will let you know that it is just the package you like to extend while creating your new user package (New Package dialog | Package Extension tab - you will know what package to select).
If this is the reason, I have to disappoint you. Examples:
I customize the DDL Script Generator for Oracle 9i. You would expect the Generations for Oracle 9i package would be highlighted. But what if I want to extend package also for Oracle 10g?
I customize entity form of MySQL db and want to add there a new property relating to script generation and model verification. What packages should be highlighted in this case? - Database MySQL, Generations or Verifications?
I think we are not quite thinking along the same lines.
Here is an example with more detail to clarify.
I have used the ModelScripting package and customised the form adding buttons to call some additional scripts.
If I open the ModelScripting form to edit it (say to add another button) using “Edit Form As”, the selected package is “Database Oracle 9i”. I would have expected “ModelScripting” to be the selected package because this is where the open form currently exists.
This is a fairly simple example.
It gets more complicated where I have extended a TDM form (eg Edit Entity) and put it in my own package. If the selected package was the package containing the form that is being edited I could be sure I was working on the correct form. I could then select the package I want to save it to.