ER Diagram

Hi folks … I know how to generate ER diagram for existing tables in database
via TOAD.

But how can we create E-R diagram for new tables yet in Design Phase ?

Is there a way other than creating those tables and then generating the E-R
diagram ?



Hi Shiva,

from the help for the ER Diagrammer:

Note: This is not a modeling tool. See Integration with Toad Data
Modeler for more information about performing full data modeling on your
table structures.

If you want to add new tables, then I suspect you ned the TDM (Toad Data
Modeller) tool. There is a beta version that you can join the program
for and report problems, enhancements etc:

For more details, please read the Beta release announcement at:

Norm. [TeamT]

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Yes – buy toad data modeler (a full blown modeling tool) – or buy a
toad bundle where you get toad data modeler for free as part of the bundle

What’s built in toad is only meant to diagram existing tables – not
design a new database – that’s toad data modeler

Yes it is called Toad Data Modeler (TDM)

In all seriousness though the data modeler (code road map) in Toad is just a
quick and dirty graphical representation of existing objects in the DB. For real
data modeling functionality you need something like TDM.



Thanks folks I started using TDM and so far liking it.


Shi va

If you need any pointers, tons of user tutorial videos here


Actually for the first time i am using TDM for creating ER diagrams for Postgres databases …Can anyone please tell me. are there any tutorials on TOAd which we camn go through for the DB architecture.


Try this community, and yes, there are tons of tutorials there