Export Dataset to xlsx

When I try to export dataset to excel, I do not see an option to export to xlsx, other than this being the standard format now used across enterprise and personal office versions, it also allows for a much bigger single sheet export (104K rows to 65K of xls)
Any clue why this is not available in Toad for Oracle 15?

It’s there. Set export format to excel file. If it defaults to xls then change to xlsx.

John - Could point me to this option location? I have a long standing multi-table data export to excel that automagically switched to .xls and I am unable to find the place to change it back to xlsx. I find a similar option in Excel > Options > Save module, but not in Toad for Oracle... The Excel setting is .xlsx

Toad for Oracle Xpert (64-bit)
Add-Ons: DB Admin Module

In Toad, all you have to do is set the export file name's extension to .xslx and not .xls

From the grid, right-click and choose "Export Dataset". Or just doube-click your action if it's already set up in Automation Designer.

There rae 22 files to be nqamed --- I do not see how to do that..

For multi-table actions, it remembers your last-used format for a single-table export.

Do this:

  • Right-click on any small table in the schema browser, or any grid anywhere in Toad and export to Excel.
  • In the filename box, be sure the export file extension is .xlsx and not .xls
  • Run the export

Then your multi-file export will switch back to .xlsx.

I didn't know it did this. I think the idea was just meant to remember a preferred format for new actions. Seems like it should not affect existing actions, but it does. I'd call it a bug. :frowning: I've logged it and will fix it soon.


Perfect !! Thank you John -

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