In an older version of Toad when you did Execute procedure from schema browser you would get the result back at once into a grid when you clicked Ok.
Then a change came where you have to set output options, and I always use Fetch into memory(view in grid). I frequently forget to select that option when I run it at a new schema, so i get a pop up telling me to enable fetch...
This change is the one change I would say I dislike the most, I hate it.
Can you make it possible to select through Toad options what should be selected as default output option ?

It looks like it is remembered now per-procedure.
I don't think we should change that, but we could at least make it so you can set the default for procedures that you haven't run before.
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Thanks John, that sounds great.
It is remembered per procedure per schema now and as I have about 50 schemas with several hundred procedures in each schema it would save a lot of time if it would be possible to have a default for unrun procedures.
I do of course not run all procedures in all schemas, but quite a lot over time.
I am no longer officially a developer, but I spend between 1-4 hours per day using Toad or Visual Studio 2022.
And can you please make it possible to turn of the confirmation popup that the procedure executed successfully and has an annoying sound. It is just noise and I see very well that the it was completed as it normally takes 0-5 seconds to complete.
Yes. Confirmation prompts are the worst. We made an effort to eliminate those in Toad, but I guess we missed a few.
Thanks you @JohnDorlon you have made me a very happy man fixing this so elegantly.
It is so much better now.
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I absolutely agree that the prompt in question is annoying as Hades and is not necessary.
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"I did it. Click OK now before you do anything else"