Formatter Anomaly

The formatter seems to shift everything 3 indention levels to the right when the From includes and XMLTable with 2 Columns.

Here is Case 1 showing the over indention:

Here is Case 2 where I uncomment line 9 and comment out 10-11 so only 1 column is returned:

Lastly here is what I get if I then comment out line 9 and 11 leaving 10 so in theory a single column:

Here is the SQL:
Sample.txt (743 Bytes)

If I should report Formatter items in some other way, let me know. I use the Toad Beta for all my work, so have not tried this in 15.1 .

Here are my Formatter Options if needed:


Hello Michael,

It looks as if the size of the column name (ATTRIBUTE_NAME for instance) shifts the result towards the right. The longer the name, the more it shifts to the right.

I queued this case (QP-3956).

Thanks for your report!

Hello Michael,

This one got fixed, finally. The flaw did affect all DML statements, whenever column definitions appeared inside the statement. Formatter tried to align those definitions, and that alignment messed up the outer alignment of the top level clauses.

Sorry about the long delay, it required some deep diving into the code. But I hope you'll be glad it got fixed.

It will show up in component QP5.dll as of version 5.419.


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