FTP tace file

I would like to know how to create FTP for oracle? and also how to create folder under that ftp? thanks.

Hi Helen,

On 26/10/11 11:03, helenyee1030_750 wrote:

I would like to know how to create FTP for oracle? and also how to
create folder under that ftp? thanks.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean here. The subject says "FTP Trace
File" so I assume you need to fetch your trace files back from the
database server?

If so, the server admins need to set up an FTP/SFTP server using
something like vsftp or similar. They would need to configure it to
allow the oracle user the ability to login and so on.

Once that is done, you should be able to login to the server and bring
your trace files back easily.

Of course, if you are running Toad 11 you can do the following:

  • Type in the SQL you want to trace, but don't execute it yet.

  • Right click -> SQL Trace -> Enabled - "Retrieve Trace File after

  • Execute your query.

Toad will automatically start and stop the trace and will then pull the
trace file from the server and open it in the trace file browser.

Attn: John Dorlon - does the above sound familiar? :wink:

Norm. [TeamT]