Grid Popup Editor for Clob Values displaying corrupted data

i'm having the same problem. I discoverered the same chinese characters in the "Grid Popup Editor" of a clob column when opened from a read only Data Grid. There seems to be something fishy with this window/element. And i think i can reproduce the issue.

First of all the data is correct, there are no chinese characters in the clobs and SQL-Developer or an Export just shows everything fine. Here is what i can provide:


  • Win10 64-bit with german env
  • DB-Client is 19.10 (also tested with 19.3)
  • Toad Version is and issue is also in latest Beta

Database is a 19.10 PDB on AIX with NLS_CHARACTERSET = WE8ISO8859P1

  1. create table clob_test (id number, doc clob);
  2. describe this table or open the data tab in SB
  3. insert a record manually with ID = 1 and double click the clob-column
  4. paste exactly 307081 bytes (eg from this ipsum pastebin text: or any other text with this length) in one line
  5. click on "Post edit" and close this popup-editor
  6. commit
  7. now go to an editor window
  8. select * from clob_test;
  9. double click on the clob-column in the Data Grid (this is read only)
  10. scroll all the way to the right (or keyboard End) and you see strange chinese characters like below

I can even copy the whole text and paste it to notepad++:


My colleague tested it with Toad 14.0 and there is no problem. He then installed 14.1 and got the issue.

I can also say that i cannot reproduce this on other databases on e.g. linux with NLS_CHARACTERSET = AL32UTF8

This is very strange and google translator is not helpful with this "nonsense":

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