I have a BIT column in a SQL table which toad is representing as a checkbox. I’d rather see either TRUE/FALSE or 1/0. I can’t figure out how to change this. Changing Options>Grid>Data Type Formatting>Bit has not effect.
I would like to take a try but I need little bit more information from you. Can you give me what type of provider are you using (MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle…) and what is exact datatype of this Column (BIT, BOOLEAN, BYTE)?
Per the original post, it is a BIT column.
And are you using MS SQL Server?
I tried it and I see checkbox only if I have checked True/False in option. When I switched to second one then I see 0/1 numbers instead of check control. Only thing what I have to do is rerun my query. It doesn’t work to me with loaded statement.
Yep, it’s MS SQL Server.
And did you try re-execute your query with new setting (1/0)? You don’t need to do this for numeric fields but for this type of column you have to re-execute it.
I tried it with TDP 4.3 and with latest Beta too.