I have a licensed version of TOAD for Oracle and had my machine crash so everything was wiped out. I have the license key for this version and it does what I need it to do so I am wondering how can I download this older version?
Thank ou in advance!
You’ll need to contact Support. I don’t believe that it’s still available, however. The ‘oldest’ release that I can find for download on SupportLink is v10.6.
Sorry for posting my query here as I didn’t find the place to start a new thread…
I’m using TOAD with Oracle, Oracle DB version is 10g R2.
I setup code xpert using server side objects to store codeXpert output in DB table.
But it is throwing error “CodeXpert database insertion failed”.
Not getting any clue about the problem. Any help in this regards will be much appreciated.
July 2, 2013, 3:01am
You can turn on database -> spool SQL to screen and try again. That will show you what failed.
On Jul 2, 2013, at 3:00 AM, "Amit" bounce-ap0030054@toadworld.com wrote:
RE: How Do I Obtain Version
Reply by Amit
Sorry for posting my query here as I didn't find the place to start a new thread...
I'm using TOAD with Oracle, Oracle DB version is 10g R2.
I setup code xpert using server side objects to store codeXpert output in DB table.
But it is throwing error "CodeXpert database insertion failed".
Not getting any clue about the problem. Any help in this regards will be much appreciated.
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