How to create data model ?

HI All,

I am newbie to this forum and also data modeling. I’v downlaod trial version and want to create a data model from scratch. I really don’t kno, how to start with ? I was wondering, if TOAD can do it for us and ifnot could you help me to locate a document, where I can learn data modeling and ER diagram from scratch. Your kind support would be highly appriciated.

hare krishna

Hi Alok,

good place for start is .Then you can read our Help and Manual in Toad Data Modeler,then watch our movies and after that take a look at our sample model Videorental in Toad Data Modeler.

You can find platform specific questions on Windows,Linux/BSD/Unix and Apple pages,database specific questions on pages of Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL,MS SQL…

Here are some tips for good books about topic


Thanks very much Tomas. Well, I would appriciate, if there is any way,I can use Toad wizard to create data model and ER Diagramme. I mean, Do I need to manually deseign objects in workspace or could TOAD do it for purself ?

hare krishna

Toad Data Modeler does not have wizard for data modeling.You must design manually or you can reverse some sample database from your server and then make changes.
