How to determine which edition of Toad for Oracle is installed (Professional/Xpert/Base) using only file or registry content after installation ?

Hi folks,

I need to determine some installations of Toad For Oracle product editions, if its either Professional or Xpert or just Base.

And for doing this I can only rely on the installation files/file content or registry droppings of the product.

However, I am able to determine the product and the version from the registry uninstall section having DisplayName and DisplayVersion but not getting any trace for edition anywhere.

I have already gone through a knowledge article ( from which it seems like;

For Xpert edition, I can use this registry :“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Quest Software\Quest SQL Optimizer for Oracle” as it is SQL optimizer for oracle is an extra installation that comes along with Xpert edition only.Please correct me if I am wrong here ?

And for professional edition, is it possible to determine the edition through some file or registry ?

Please help me here!!!

Appreciate all the help!!

Hi Subu,

You can find general information about your edition of Toad in the following registry location:

\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Quest Software\TOAD<version>

If you’re using Toad 12.0 or later, you can also look in your SettingsLocations.ini file, which is located in one of the following locations:

C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle (Windows XP)

C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle (Vista and higher)

In the INI file, the Edition is saved with each entry starting with Toad 12.0. You should see something like:

[TOAD 12.0]

AppData=C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\12.0\

Path=C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle 12\


Edition=Toad for Oracle Xpert

Hopefully one of these options will help with what you’re trying to accomplish.


From: Subu []

Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 4:17 AM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] How to determine which edition of Toad for Oracle is installed (Professional/Xpert/Base) using only file or registry content after installation ?

How to determine which edition of Toad for Oracle is installed
(Professional/Xpert/Base) using only file or registry content after installation ?

Thread created by Subu

Hi folks,

I need to determine some installations of Toad For Oracle product editions, if its either Professional or Xpert or just Base.

And for doing this I can only rely on the installation files/file content or registry droppings of the product.

However, I am able to determine the product and the version from the registry uninstall section having DisplayName and DisplayVersion but not getting any trace for edition anywhere.

I have already gone through a knowledge article ( )
from which it seems like;

For Xpert edition, I can use this registry :“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Quest Software\Quest SQL Optimizer for Oracle” as it is SQL optimizer for oracle is an extra installation that comes
along with Xpert edition only.Please correct me if I am wrong here ?

And for professional edition, is it possible to determine the edition through some file or registry ?

Please help me here!!!

Appreciate all the help!!

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Thanks a lot John!!

That’s a really good info.

I was researching on the below versions;

  1. Toad for Oracle Xpert 10.6

  2. Toad for Oracle Xpert 11.0

  3. Toad for Oracle Professional 10 .0

  4. Toad for Oracle Professional 10.5

  5. Toad for Oracle 11.0

  6. Toad for Oracle 11.6

Can you please throw some light for the above list for finding editions ?

I really appreciate your help!!!

Hi Subu,

The first part of my original e-mail should get you what you need. You’ll have to look through each of the subfolders underneath the TOAD registry key. Inside
each folder there should be a key called “Edition” which will tell you the TOAD edition installed on the machine.

Let me know if you have any questions! Good luck!


From: Subu []

Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 4:13 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] How to determine which edition of Toad for Oracle is installed (Professional/Xpert/Base) using only file or registry content after installation ?

RE: How to determine which edition of Toad for
Oracle is installed (Professional/Xpert/Base) using only file or registry content after installation ?

Reply by Subu

Thanks a lot John!!

That’s a really good info.

I was researching on the below versions;

  1. Toad for Oracle Xpert 10.6

  2. Toad for Oracle Xpert 11.0

  3. Toad for Oracle Professional 10 .0

  4. Toad for Oracle Professional 10.5

  5. Toad for Oracle 11.0

  6. Toad for Oracle 11.6