How to display data in tabs other than the File Header in trace file browser?

My version is 17.1.717.3711

In the Trace File Browser, I was able to successfully retrieve the file.

However, I would like to know how I can make the data appear in other tabs.

Could you give me some examples?

Oracle has different kinds of trace files and unfortunately, the all appear in the same folder and they all have a .trc extension.

Some trace files are recordings of SQL activity with timings of various aspects of how long it took Oracle to run the SQL.

Other trace files are more like memory dumps.

Toad's trace file browser works with the "recording of SQL activity" type trace file. If you open one of those, all of those tabs are populated automatically.

You opened a memory dump type file. Notice at the bottom of your screen shot where it says "No SQL statements were found in this trace file"

To trace your own session, try this:

  1. Go to editor
  2. Enter the SQL that you want to trace but don't run it yet
  3. Go to the "Auto Trace" tab
  4. Go to the SQL Trace (tkprof) subtab
  5. Check both "Enabled" and "Retrieve trace file after execution"
  6. Now run your SQL with F9.
  7. When it finishes, the trace file will be automatically retrieved from the server and opened in trace file browser.

Trace trace another database session, try this

  1. Open Session Browser.
  2. Find and select the session that you want to trace
  3. Click the green dot in the toolbar to start tracing the session
  4. A dialog appears with trace options. If you don't know what options to choose, use "DBMS Monitor" and "Include Waits" and "Include Binds"
  5. The session being traced will be colored in green in the Session Browser
  6. Wait for the other session to finish whatever SQL activity that you want to trace
  7. When it's done, click the red dot on Session Browser toolbar to stop the trace
  8. A dialog appears asking if you want to load the trace file in Trace File Browser. Click yes.
  9. Trace file is retrieved from the server and loaded into the trace file browser.

I'm so happy to see some information on these tabs.
The 2 methods you provided are working fine for me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

However, I still have 2 more things to confirm:

  1. Compared to the previous "No SQL statements were found in this trace file" shortcut, how does TOAD determine whether a file contains SQL statements or not?

  2. If I want to use the Open Trace File on Database Server button to retrieve a file from the server side, what should I input in the filter to find files that contain the SQL activity you mentioned?

  1. SQL Statements in the trace files begin with text "Parsing in Cursor #". If this text is not present in the trace file, then the trace file does not contain sql statements. You can look at trace files with notepad and see this for yourself.

  2. Check "filter out non-sql trace files"

Thank you so much.
I can see the text "Parsing in Cursor #" in trace file.
Because it's diffucult to find some relevant documents online or Help Contents in Toad, I'm so happy to know more from you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You're welcome.

Did I answer all of your questions?

Absolutely, your explanation was very clear and helpful. Thanks again! :yum: