Import Wizard//CSV file


i imported a CSV file with 80 lines, where almost everything worked fine according to the report logs:

Thread (21) Import Started [01.03.2010 15:00:01]
Thread (21) Processing “sofa02.csv” into “INVOICE.SPECIALCOSTS”
Thread (21) Reading from file sofa02.csv
Thread (21) Inserting row 80 into table SPECIALCOSTS
Thread (21)
The following error(s) occurred. Do you want to ignore the current error(s) and any additional errors and continue importing? Toad will not prompt you again if another error occurs.
Thread (21)
Continuing import regardless of the error:
Failed inserting row 1 : [IBM] CLI0111E Numeric value out of range. SQLSTATE=22003
Thread (21)
Error(s) occured, 79 out of 80 rows were imported and have been committed.

The error came from the first line, i was thinking. Checking the import afterwards showed me, that only the FIRST record has inserted. The rest has been skipped.

Can anyone check this please? I attached DDL for the Table & the CSV file with the import file created.

Message was edited by: DocJones: Bold’ed a line with possible errorneous data: “Inserting row 80…”

sofa.tim (1007 Bytes)

sofa02.csv (17.1 KB)

Specialcosts.sql (779 Bytes)

Hello Ken,

I loaded the .tim file and voila (see attached pic).

I did both things you mentioned.

Here is the ImportData Tag from the .tim file:

Both options are being set.

Additionally this does not explain the fact that the report is telling me 79 out of 80 rows have been successfully imported while only one record is being acutally written.

Honestly i think someone messed up with the variables in this one. (Please note the line Thread (21) Inserting row 80 into table SPECIALCOSTS at the beginning of the import report: It says its importing row 80, while its actually at the first row).


@DocJones Did you ever figure out a solution to this problem? I am having the exact same issue and also believe its a data issue. Any luck getting around this issue?

What version of Toad DB2 are you running?
I successfully ran an import of DocJones data into his table without issue on Toad DB2 v5.1 and v5.2. Perhaps we had issues in earlier versions.
Please let us know your Toad version and if you could post the DDL for your table and a CSV file with your data that would be great.