I am a long time user of TOAD for Oracle.
I am trying to install TOAD for SQL Server but the WISE installer is closing without doing anything at all.
It runs through accepting the license agreement, picking who can run it, and then choosing the install folder.
When I click “Next” after choosing (I accept the default) the install folder it simply closes.
It doesn’t even create the directory for the program and copies no files.
I have tried running as administrator (though I am an administrator) and pre-creating the target folder.
The machine is win7 64 bit and is on a domain.
I have found that it installs correctly in my winXP virtual machine.
The installer is failing when it goes to the screen where it asks to install the plugin.
I don’t really want to have to use the virtual to run it.
Any suggestions?
The install log ended with “Installation success or error status: 1603”
Don’t know what that means.
OK I got it to work this way:
Extract msi from installer exec and name it ti.msi
Then from administrator command line issue:
msiexec /i “ti.msi” /passive INSTALLSSMS=“No”
Good to go now. Hope that helps someone.
Hi cwjolley,
many thank’s for your explanation and clarification about the problem with the installer.
Best regards,