Hi Statey603
When I try the following - if the pgm_cde value is NULL,
nothing is returned.
WHERE pgm_cde is null or (pgm_cde not in ('A','C'))
That's exactly what I've been running, which works for me. Hmm.
Try this please:
select nvl(pgm_cde, 'NULL'), count(*)
group by pgm_cde
order by pgm_cde;
And a DESC of the table would also help. Can you also mention what
versions of Oracle database, Oracle client and Toad you are using
isn't this because the not in to the right of the OR is
trying to evaluate the NULL as a string/character
It is strange, but what is happening in the evaluation is this:
Q1. Is the value NULL?
YES: Select this row.
NO: Q2. Is the value NOT 'A' AND NOT 'C'
YES: Reject this row
NO: Include this row.
Now even if Oracle is short-circuiting the tests (if the first one is
true, don't bother with the second because the whole OR will be true)
only one of the two tests will be true because a NULL implies NO VALUE
and anything but 'A' or 'C' implies a value.
The order you specify the tests in this case, make no difference, you
could check for NULLs last or NOT IN ('A','C') last and still get the
same results.
Looking at an explain plan for the statements on a test table, I see
"NORM"."A" IS NULL OR "NORM"."A"<>'A' AND "NORM"."A"<>'C'
I'm a little confused as to why you are not getting any results though.
Do you have other clauses in the WHERE that are filtering out before you
get to the NULL or NOT IN check.
Norm. [TeamT]
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