I kinda perplexed.
Yesterday I noticed that when I try to use the Job Scheduler tool to create a new Job it won't work anymore.
Whre i stick is the window where you have to chosse between PL/SQL Block and stored procedure.
I'm sure there has to be a button to continou the process but there is no...
I cannot imagine what could cause this error.
In the past I never had problems with that.
Please see the screenshot.
I already have deinstalled SQL Navi compleatly, cleaned up all existing directoriey (for the program, user ..., and even the windows registry with ccleaner)
However no luck, after the new installation it's the same.
I have the same problem also with the 6.7 beta, that I extra have installed to test this issue there too.
Can someone give me a hint what I can do in addition?
The only thing I can remember what has been changed on my box since the last time it has worked is: Instalaltion of Oracle-BI Excel AddIn and Oracle BI Admin Tool. Replacement of Instant Client against full client on my box by my DBA.
I have the same problem with Oracle client 10 and 11 and/or Oracle DB 10.2 and 11.2.
My box in Win7 Prof. 64bit.
Did you try to resize the wizard form to see if you could make those buttons visible? The create job wizard is supposed to be very simple and those buttons cannot be hidden. There’s no settings inside SQLNav or Oracle DB/Client would make those buttons disappear. It might be something down to Windows level causing this. We could not reproduce this and could not figure out why at the moment. please update us if you find this problem consistently. We’ll try to sort it out.
thank you for your fast response.
Yes if have increased the size of the wizard form to the max size my screen allows
(It’s only not that large in my screenshot)
That was my first attempt to make it work or to see if something is hidden.
"It might be something down to Windows level causing this. "
Well that’s what I fear too - but what? At the moment I really dont have any idea.
But it’s weekend - maybe I’m more clever till monday.
Please try your best too.
follow up, So. 04/01:
Just another tip/symptom that is also not ok.
As you ncan see from the screenshot the button text of the buton “Job Manager” is truncated on the right and left hand site or rather does not lonmger fir into the button size.
Maybe this could give you an indication.
In the meantime I have deinstalled the Oracle BI-Excel-AddIn -but no effect regarding this issue.
I’m aware of the fact thats this issue is quite strage and obvioulsy rather seldom.
However for me it is a serious problem.
Can someone from the dev inverstigate what libraries are user to render the button and/ texts of it.
Can you tell me what I can do to assist you e.g more/detailed information.
Please be so kind an take care of this issue.
I just reviewed your last post and looked back on the screenshot. It looks like you have increased the size of text in you Windows system. Can you please try to change the setting to default from right click on the desktop and select "Personalize" then "Display". Make sure the size setting is 100% (see screenshot). Please open SQL Navigator again after you log off and log on Windows.
I could see your problem when I set the size to 125%. I think it may be the reason for your issue. Let me know how you go.
I did not mention this because it was the first thing I looked into…
Sadly but it’s not that easy.
The stangest thing is that not only (as you can see for “Job Manager” button the text does no longer fit into the button, but there are button completely missing in the “New Job Wizard” windows. I’m kinda helpless.
As far as I can say this problem iss only in NQL Navi. And I use a lot of programms …
Any idea beyond this?
Could you send me the support bundle including preferences? Go to Help -> Submit Feedback. In the Submit Feedback window, please check both “Include a Support Bundle” and “Include Preferences” checkboxes. Then press “Save to File” and specify a location for the files. Please zip both SupportBundle.dta and SupportBundle.prof and send to me. You can send straight to my email Vincent.Liu@quest.com.
I imported your profile and tested in win7 environment. I could not see the buttons in new job wizard when size of text was set to 125% in system display settings. I could also see the same problem in win xp when I set display DPI to 120 DPI. If I set the size of text back to 100%(96 DPI), after I log off and log back on windows, those buttons appear normally in new job wizard.
It appears that sqlnav currently doesn’t work well on scaling high DPI setting. One thing I’m sure from my side, those buttons in new job wizard all becomes normal when my system display setting is 100% size or 96 DPI.
Do you need to keep your system display setting at 125% size of text? I wish I could find a way to force sqlnav to run in default (96) DPI when the system display setting has been changed, but I couldn’t. I have logged a bug in our tracker system PT#28720517. We’ll review this kind of compatibility issues in version 7.
I kind of have a mix of the symptoms Andre reported. I’m on Win7 with SQLNav 6.7. My font sizes are set at the default which is 125%. My Job Manager button looks fine, but I too don’t see the buttons on the new job window. I’ve got a workaround which while not perfect lets you complete the wizard – after clicking either PL/SQL block or Stored procedure, hit the tab button and then either the space bar or the enter key to go to the next window. You can use the same technique to advance through each step of the wizard. Basically, the buttons are there, they’re just not visible.
SQLNav team – I think this one should be considered fairly serious. With the Windows 7 default fonts being 125%, you’re going to encounter more people hitting this as time moves forward. A possible simple solution may be to make the default window size larger and see if that lets the buttons appear even if the fonts don’t fit on the buttons nicely.
good to know it is reproducible for you too. So the way to fix it is prepared…
“…Do you need to keep your system display setting at 125% size of text? …”
Well, I’m 49
Thank you Mark for the workaround tip.
I also think, this should be worth to be patched asap…
follow up:
I have right now tested it again with 100% size (very small).
The same bad outcome. So this seems not to be the only thing that may be wrong.
PS - but not less important:
Just another visual issue.
On this web site there is no horizontal scrollbar. (not in IE9 and FF11)
When I want to see a complete text I can only make the very very small. Impossible at all to see anything then…
Copy the file from the above location and unzip it.
Go to your SQL Navigator 6.7 install path, eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest Software\SQLNav 6.7
You will see an existing binary called sqlnavigator.exe, please rename that first so you have a backup of the original 6.7 binary. Eg sqlnavigator67GA.exe
Then you can copy the new sqlnavigator.exe into that location
After this you will be able to use 6.7 via your shortcuts as usual.
Once you start Nav ensure that your Help\About screen shows you are using build 2374
Anyone else having problems with Job scheduler when working with large font size is also welcome to use this binary.
There are no other changes in this binary other than fixing the new job scheduler window.
Hi Lidia – That did the trick nicely and I do indeed see it as build 2374. I can see all the buttons and everything appears to flow nicely between the steps. I did not actual try creating a job, but I assume it was just a screen change so I’m willing to go with the assumption it will still create successfully now that the buttons are actually visible!
Not that I have not waited for the fix…
Found not before today the time to look into this issue.
BUT it was worth to wait.
It works as expected now .
Thank you very much!
Best Regards
Please also take a closer look at this:
…not less important:
Just another visual issue.
On this web site there is no horizontal scrollbar. (not in IE9 and FF11)
When I want to see a complete text I can only make the very very small. Impossible at all to see anything then…
Ahh, just noticed I seems to be caused by the embeded pictures (screenshots).
(This post is on a new page without any embeded pictures - and no such problem… )
Seem to be a bad idea to use inline pictures.
Or have you a chance overcome this issue?
Message was edited by: andremlMessage was edited by: andreml
The fix for the issue reported in this post is NOT in the 6.7 GA.
The new binary Lidia provided earlier will need to be copied over on top the .exe shipped with the GA installer.
As it would take a while to go through the distrubution process, the team decided to provide the new binary through this forum to you and other users who would experience the problem.
We are planning to include the changes in the next 7.0 release installer for you.
Thanks and regards,
PS: We will forward your notes about the issues in this web site to our Community team to fix it for you.