Link tables

I downloaded the 2.6 version but I still cannot do the following: I have several databases that have link tables, I established the connection in TDA but I cannot see the link tables. any idea?

Hello Monica,

I will be looking into this and I will post updates in this thread as soon as I have them.


Hello Monica,

I was able to verify that we are not pulling back a list of linked tables and have created CR Number 72,470 for this issue. Thank you for reporting the issue and we will look into fixing it as soon as possible.


Hi Monica,

CR72,470 is done. You can now see linked tables in Access.

It will be available in the next Beta which will start in June.



I downloaded 2.7 version. Link tables are displayed but I still cannot run a query based on the link tables. The error generated is as follow: “Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The text file specification ‘OPENORDR Link Spec_SynchLcode’ does not exist. You cannot import, export, or link using the specification.”

Can you see the data and column information in the explorer? Also, does this happen for a specific query or all?

Hi Michael,

Yes I can see the data and column specifications; but when I run a query I got the pointed error. This problem is seem in all tables linked to text files.


I can get the same error when using a text file also. It seems to be limited to this tpe of link. Can you link to an Excel file instead? Excel doesn’t have this issue.


I have entered CR 79,565 to fix

Hi Debbie,

No I can’t link to excel because most of the files we received from other systems come into a text file format. I really appreciate you opened a CSR to have this flexibility when linking files that have specifications in progrmas like access.Thanks Debbie.