Master-Detail Browser / Toad Version

Hi Paul,

Ah. No, there's no way to get multi-column sorting by clicking the column headers. But it's been on my radar for about 20 years. I'll take a look at that. I think it would be easier than making the filter/sort dialog work after view/edit query anyway! :smiley:


Hi John

That'll be great! I often find myself CTRL + Clicking on column headers to do multi-column sorting before forgetting that Toad doesn't yet support it.


Yeah and the nice thing is that it would work for places that don't have filter/sort, namely the Editor but also Query Builder and probably a few other places.

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Hi John

I noticed another MDB issue (sorry). If you try to apply a filter and it fails (like picking a column you exposed via a join), it reloads the default table query, NOT the manually edited query you had saved in the *.md file or had edited before the filter was applied.


Hi Paul.

Thanks. I'll log that and get to it soon. Should be easy enough to go back to the prior SQL.


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Hi John,

found this thread as I have been constantly dealing with the same issue where if my database connection drops and I have to reconnect, the MDB can't be refreshed. Only choice is to reload from a saved file. You mentioned that this has been fixed? Recently upgraded to 16.2 - was that fix included or is that still in beta?


Hi Troy,

All of the changes that Paul and I talked about above went into version 16.3 beta, which you can get here. Also, at that link, you can scroll down a bit and see the change log. Do a CTRL+F and search for "Master-Detail".

16.3 will be officially released, non-beta, in about a month.


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