In our schema, table names have a T prefix, So if I type “select * from T_” I no longer get a pick-list to pick table names from. Even if I press + <.> nothing happens. Toad Insight options are enabled correctly in Options. I’ve tried switching the Toad Insight options on and off , it doesn’t fix it. + does work.
2. Master Detail Browser Issues
a) “View Edit query…” does not obey syntax highlighting settings. I have a dark background and white text, but I am shown white background with white text so cannot see my query.
b) “View Edit query…” for child datasets does not show the actual SQL the grid is running (i.e. with the parameter from the parent, i.e. the actual SQL driving the grid). It simply shows the select … from CHILDTABLE.
c) Minor issue but the “View Edit query…” hint is named wrong on child datasets.
I won’t comment on Toad Insight other than to tell you that Michael will comment on it. He’s been making some changes so it is cancellable.
Master detail items a) and c) are fixed.
Regarding b) - hmm, yes, you are correct. The where clause is changed automatically by a 3rd party component that we use to access Oracle. I could try to find that part of the query and add it in for the sake of the ‘view/edit’ dialog, but then I’d have to take it back out again when the dialog is closed (without breaking the query) and still apply whatever other changes you might have made to the query. I’d rather not go down that road, as it seems prone to (my) errors. You can still make whatever changes you’d like to the query, and the ‘where’ clause continue to be adjusted on the fly.
Thread created by PaulZip Toad Beta, 32 Bit
1. Toad Insight is broken.
In our schema, table names have a T prefix, So if I type "select * from T_" I no longer get a pick-list to pick table names from. Even if I press + <.> nothing happens. Toad Insight options are enabled correctly in Options. I've tried switching the
Toad Insight options on and off , it doesn't fix it. + does work.
2. Master Detail Browser Issues
a) "View Edit query.." does not obey syntax highlighting settings. I have a dark background and white text, but I am shown white background with white text so cannot see my query.
b) "View Edit query.." for child datasets does not show the actual SQL the grid is running (i.e. with the parameter from the parent, i.e. the actual SQL driving the grid). It simply shows the select ... from CHILDTABLE.
c) Minor issue but the "View Edit query.." hint is named wrong on child datasets.
OK, I understand. Could you add another option to copy the full child query including parameters to clipboard, I use TOAD’s Master Detail Browser a lot and have always wished this was an option. If you are using ODAC controls I think it’s TOraQuery.FinalSQL
Not as convenient as a single button press or menu item, I have to remember to switch it on and then off afterwards.
I have some complicated Master Detail Browser (MDB) configurations to help in visualising in my system development or in investigating bugs. It’s a fantastic TOAD facility and prevents me having to rewrite many joined queries over and over. But in identifying an issue I often need to capture the query or record in question. So I suppose what I’m after is two different cases here.
Capture the SQL for the whole child dataset (with master source parameters included)
Capture the SQL for the child record in question
Perhaps this belongs on the DBgrid popup menu so is available anywhere in the system? I’ve seen the same facility it in other third party DB tools and it’s something a few of my colleague have often thought would be useful on MDB or TOAD itself.
I could sneak that in by including that data on the view/edit query if you do a CTRL+Click on the view/edit button instead of just a click (in this case, the view/edit dialog would have to be read-only)
hmmm…I guess you’d want to do that with primary key, is that right? And if there isn’t one, then RowID? This reminds me of another request I heard once before - maybe it would work for you too - the other request was to add a format in “export dataset” that would generate a “select … from dual” to give a result just like the selected (or all) rows. It wouldn’t work for LOBs but for most other datatypes it would work. What do you think about that?
I am not necessarily proposing this as a solution, but it’s not tough to do this now if you don’t mind using rowid - just enable the “show RowID” option then you could copy the rowid out of the grid and then go to the editor with the rowid. Of course with multiple rows selected it would be a bit of a pain.
I’m not sure your solution would work for tables with a compound PK (I suppose ROWID could be used if filtering allows it), but CTRL+Click will be a useful addition!