Missing TNSNames file

Installed Oracle Client 19 (64-Bit) and TNSNames file. Also completed install TDP for
version 6.2. Attempted to create an Oracle connection and TNS Editor button is missing. Alternative option for an "Explain plan table" search is present. When using the ellipse to search for the TNSName file, and error message "ERROR: ORA-12560" appears in a pop-up Find Explain Plan Table box. When I do click on the Database name drop-down, I do see database options. However, I need to add additional database configurations, which is the issue.

See attached screen shot. Any suggestions on resolving would be appreciated.

I can think of a few things that could be the reason for your issue, but you should really confirm with your DBA the specifics on your Oracle client and connection.

  • Is your Oracle database up and running?
  • Is your Oracle Client installed successfully? (are you able to successfully connect to Oracle with other applications?)
  • Have you updated your ENV variables to point to your tnsnames.ora file?

The above would be a good start to discuss with your DBA.

Hi Gary.

Yes, the Oracle Client is up and running, works fine on other computers.

Our Software Center shows the Oracle Client, TNSNames, and TDP all installed without error. That said, I put all three back in queue to have the system re-install them; possibly it will resolve itself.

Unclear on the ENV variables and pointing to the TNSNames file. Never had to do this before, can you expand on that item a bit more?

Lastly, sure, I could reach out to our internal IT, just wondering if this has been seen by others before.

Appreciate the questions and the expeditious response!

Cheers, Mike

Re: The environment variable question:
Oracle drivers use the environment variable TNS_ADMIN to locate the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora configuration files. If they're installed anywhere other than the default location, you need to set it so that the driver can locate them.

The default location is $ORACLE_HOME\network\admin

In my facility, we have multiple Oracle installations, but we want them all to use the same tnsnames file, so we set the TNS_ADMIN variable as part of the installation (%ora_base_dir% is the location of the tnsnames.ora file)
setx /M TNS_ADMIN %ora_base_dir%

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This is helpful information. I will follow-up with the user this week and check their folders. Thanks again for the info.