licence: comercial.
I have designed in one of my models some relationships that I don’t wanted to be deployed to the database. So, some relationship I want to be deployed some not. For all relationships that I don’t want deployed I’ve ticked off the “generate” checkbox and the result was as expected, only the relationships with generated checkbox ticked were in the alter script. (forward engineering).
The problem/question is if I make an model update the merge model form tries to delete theses relationships from my model as they are not existing in the database. Is there a way to tell the model merge process to ignore from the comparison all the relationships that dont have the “Generate” checkbox ticked? something the same as by forward engineering.
Sure, I can tick off in the merge form all the delete actions for the relationships that dont need to be deleted but there are quite a bit of relationships and the model update happens quite often too, so this is not a resonable solution for me.
Any other ideea?
Thank you
Message was edited by: rc_140