Nav. Manager error when connecting to PostgreSQL via ODBC

Hi all,

Just trying new TDP 5.5...
I can't correctly connect to postgreSQL via ODBC. I have the error message below, and nothing in the objects explorer, but sql statements still return data.

Object explorer is very usefull, it's blind coding without it.

For your information, ODBC drivers are up to date, and connections are migrated from TDP 5.1, where all works fine.

Exception Information

Exception: System.InvalidCastException
Message : Specified cast is not valid.
Stack Trace:

Server stack trace:
at Quest.Toad.Postgres.Trl.Tables.TableListTrl.GetTableTrl(FastRow dataRow)
at Quest.Toad.Odbc.Scheme.TableList.TableListTrl.GetTrls()
at Quest.Toad.Odbc.Trl.OdbcCachedTrl.GetFilteredTrls(FilterInfo info)
at Quest.Toad.Odbc.Trl.OdbcCachedTrl.GetFilteredTrlCount(FilterInfo info)
at Quest.Toad.DatabaseBrowser.ObjectPaletteControl.ReadTrl(ITrl trl, Boolean& displayExpandIndicator)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
at Quest.Toad.Util.Global.RethrowKeepingStackTrace(Exception e)
at Quest.Toad.DatabaseBrowser.ObjectPaletteControl.ReadTrl(ITrl trl, Boolean& displayExpandIndicator)
at Quest.Toad.DatabaseBrowser.ObjectPaletteControl.updateContentTimer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

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We have seen a few others having similar issues with Postgres. If you haven't already done so, please submit a Support ticket for this issue

Hi, its done : N° de demande de service 4986228

Solved ! As the support told me, I've just had to reset TDP 5.5 installation to default values. Problem comes with profile migration from older version, during installation.

So, if you want to install 5.5, cancel when asked to migrate from older version.
I hope this will help others...



For full information, export connections from 5.1 first, install 5.5, then import connexions from xml file manually.

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