Object Explorer Column display options ( Version 5.5 and 5.6 and beyond)

Nope. But I do remember your request of adding these. It is in the queue.


Alexander Maximov

Nope. But I do remember your request of adding these. It is in the queue.


Alexander Maximov

Nope. But I do remember your request of adding these. It is in the queue.


Alexander Maximov

The MS_Description is a great way to self-document your schema.

I use this all the time and created a code snippet for it: I call

EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @value = N 'Custom Field - ’ , @level1name = N
‘EnterTableNameHere’ , @level2name = N ‘ColumnName’ , @name = N ‘MS_Description’
, @level0type = N ‘SCHEMA’ , @level0name = N ‘dbo’ , @level1type = N ‘TABLE’ ,
@level2type = N ‘COLUMN’

Makes it dead simple to describe the fields you add – in my case,
especially when customizing the schema for a particular customer.


The MS_Description is a great way to self-document your schema.

I use this all the time and created a code snippet for it: I call

EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @value = N 'Custom Field - ’ , @level1name = N
‘EnterTableNameHere’ , @level2name = N ‘ColumnName’ , @name = N ‘MS_Description’
, @level0type = N ‘SCHEMA’ , @level0name = N ‘dbo’ , @level1type = N ‘TABLE’ ,
@level2type = N ‘COLUMN’

Makes it dead simple to describe the fields you add – in my case,
especially when customizing the schema for a particular customer.


The MS_Description is a great way to self-document your schema.

I use this all the time and created a code snippet for it: I call

EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @value = N 'Custom Field - ’ , @level1name = N
‘EnterTableNameHere’ , @level2name = N ‘ColumnName’ , @name = N ‘MS_Description’
, @level0type = N ‘SCHEMA’ , @level0name = N ‘dbo’ , @level1type = N ‘TABLE’ ,
@level2type = N ‘COLUMN’

Makes it dead simple to describe the fields you add – in my case,
especially when customizing the schema for a particular customer.


The MS_Description is a great way to self-document your schema.

I use this all the time and created a code snippet for it: I call

EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @value = N 'Custom Field - ’ , @level1name = N
‘EnterTableNameHere’ , @level2name = N ‘ColumnName’ , @name = N ‘MS_Description’
, @level0type = N ‘SCHEMA’ , @level0name = N ‘dbo’ , @level1type = N ‘TABLE’ ,
@level2type = N ‘COLUMN’

Makes it dead simple to describe the fields you add – in my case,
especially when customizing the schema for a particular customer.


The MS_Description is a great way to self-document your schema.

I use this all the time and created a code snippet for it: I call

EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @value = N 'Custom Field - ’ , @level1name = N
‘EnterTableNameHere’ , @level2name = N ‘ColumnName’ , @name = N ‘MS_Description’
, @level0type = N ‘SCHEMA’ , @level0name = N ‘dbo’ , @level1type = N ‘TABLE’ ,
@level2type = N ‘COLUMN’

Makes it dead simple to describe the fields you add – in my case,
especially when customizing the schema for a particular customer.


The MS_Description is a great way to self-document your schema.

I use this all the time and created a code snippet for it: I call

EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @value = N 'Custom Field - ' , @level1name = N
'EnterTableNameHere' , @level2name = N 'ColumnName' , @name = N 'MS_Description'
, @level0type = N 'SCHEMA' , @level0name = N 'dbo' , @level1type = N 'TABLE' ,
@level2type = N 'COLUMN'

Makes it dead simple to describe the fields you add – in my case,
especially when customizing the schema for a particular customer.


By removing the “#” column (i.e., the column order), I can find no way to sort by the column order. By the previous comments, it sounds like this was intentional, but I can’t understand why.

For example, I’m looking for a date type, so I sort by the Datatype column. Now I need to go back to the original sorting (by column order). There is no option to “remove sort” and I don’t have the option to include the “#” column, so I’m stuck with my columns sorted by Datatype.

I give this “upgrade” a frowny face :frowning:

You are right about missing reset sorting option. However you can get back original sorting by collapsing and then expanding the column details area.