Hi, i'm using Toad for Oracle since many years but i've never saw i problem like this. Trying to create ddl script from user list what i have is a list of "revoke from .. " not a drop user or create user as it usually is; this is only from a specific Toad installation while others of same version are working well.
What's happening ?
Welcome to the Toad/Oracle community, Dario!
It will be helpful to understand where you are trying to create the DDL script for your users. For example, see screen snap below, where I got the Schema Browser to list my database users, right-clicked on a selection, chose "Create Script", and had the code pushed to the Editor.. clean, quick code.
What are the steps you attempted to use to get your script?
Hi Gary, as i know there are 3 ways to obtain ddl for users creation, from the left panel , right clicking on user or from right panel , i've tested all of them so as it becomes critical i've opened an incident to Quest support and have a call with them.
After a lot of test we've found the problem , it was not a problem but the "Grants on the user's objects to other users" checked in the tab Users
This will cause no ddl to be created or in some strange situaion to have only the outpout i've posted. After deselecting it all was fine.
Read this for an explanation of that option: Create script for a user