ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

I am getting the following when trying to establish a new connection to my Oracle Database. I know all the information is correct in here, it worked on my windows 7 machine with the same TNSNAMES, now on windows 8 I get this, any ideas?

ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

A connect descriptor for GOLD could not be located in the tnsnames.ora file

If GOLD is really in your tnsnames file, it sounds like the Oracle client is looking at the wrong tnsnames file. If you are not using the network\admin folder
in your Oracle client, you’ll need to set up the TNS_ADMIN environment variable, which points to whatever folder your tnsnames file is in.

From: cpeer [mailto:bounce-cpeer@toadworld.com]

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 9:26 AM

To: toadoracle@toadworld.com

Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

Thread created by cpeer

I am getting the following when trying to establish a new connection to my Oracle Database. I know all the information is correct in here, it worked on my windows
7 machine with the same TNSNAMES, now on windows 8 I get this, any ideas?

ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

A connect descriptor for GOLD could not be located in the tnsnames.ora file

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What version of Toad are you on? If you’re on 12.1 or 12.5 have you looked at the data in the error dialog? Toad will show you everything it can find out about
your configuration. Look at that information and see if the path to your tnsnames is what you expect.

From: cpeer [mailto:bounce-cpeer@toadworld.com]

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:26 AM

To: toadoracle@toadworld.com

Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

Thread created by cpeer

I am getting the following when trying to establish a new connection to my Oracle Database. I know all the information is correct in here, it worked on my windows
7 machine with the same TNSNAMES, now on windows 8 I get this, any ideas?

ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

A connect descriptor for GOLD could not be located in the tnsnames.ora file

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here are some blogs to maybe help:




It could also be that GOLD is in a vpn which you are not currently connected to. This is easy to test by trying to ping the server with tnsping GOLD.

If you get no listner but not the rest then you are not on the vpn with the server.

It seems your toad may be accessing a different TNSNAMES.ora. Perform a search to locate all TNSNAMES in your window’s directories. Also, from TOAD’s connection window, there is a link that you can click on to view the tnsnames file your toad is using. If you click on it, open the file location from there and check if it is using the correct tnsnames or not and correct accordingly if required

I think you are right, somehow it was pointing to a different tnsnames, the Oracle Home was setup differently.

Lsnrctl start will start a default listener, named LISTENER on port 1521. On windows there is probably a service that can be started as an alternative method. (Sorry, I'm most definitely a Linux/Unix DBA.)

Once started, the tnsping oratst should return a response of ok.

When the database is started it will self register with the listener. If the database is already up you can wait a few mins and it should register.

If you need to be more specific set up a listener.ora file with the listener details that you need and adjust tnsnames.ora to match.



Norm [ TeamT ]

On 8 January 2015 17:03:07 GMT+00:00, Uday bounce-uday020@toadworld.com wrote:

ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

Thread created by Uday
I have installed Toad for Oracle 64bit and Oracle instant-client basic for 64 bit PC on Windows 8 64bit system. After setting all paths and required system variable in the 'Environment Variable' for the PC, I am still getting error. The error prompt I am getting is as follows:

ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

Items Checked

TNS_ADMIN environment variable is defined as "C:\instantclient_12_1"

"C:\instantclient_12_1\tnsnames.ora" was located

The following connect descriptor was found for ORATST in the tnsnames.ora file


"C:\instantclient_12_1\sqlnet.ora" was located

NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH specifies TNSNAMES in the sqlnet.ora file

Steps to Take

Verify that the port specified in the connect descriptor is correct in the tnsnames.ora file
Verify that the listener is running and that it is properly configured

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