I have been using 3.4 for a long time and many printings, all with no printing problems. Yesterday I downloaded and installed it, replacing my old version, and telling it to use the existing configuration, which it apparently did flawlessly.
I then started it, chose Reopen an existing Physical model, which is 17x11-inch (Landscape Tabloid), and worked with it quite a bit yesterday and today, printing several versions with no problems.
Then today I noticed that the optional Attributes font color (medium gray) makes them hard to read, so I learned about Settings >> Options and went thru the whole list, and changed a few settings, got the Attribute font darker, changed the Unit of Length to Inch, and maybe one or two other things.
I also chose File >> Page Format and set the margings better and that’s when my troubles started.
Now, I can’t get a Landscape print no matter what I do. I’ve tried undoing everything I did, even to putting the Length Unit back to mm, but no joy.
Preview, PDF Creator, and every printer I’ve ever used here all have the same problem: First I get a warning that the print is outside page margins, I say Continue, and I get an output designed for 17x11 Landscape, placed on an 11x17 Protrait “paper”.
I also get recurring errors:
Invalid class typecast.
Invalid pointer operation.
I’ve attached one of each of those logs.
Please advise.
Thanks for any help.
TDM error 1.txt (71.1 KB)
TDM error 2.txt (64.8 KB)