Problem in Storage management of TOAD SS 6.0


Last version of TOAD SS 6.0 .

See my JPG in attach for details. I select storage management and as you can see there are some DB of size to 0 B.

This isn’t true.

All these DB’s have a size of some M bytes.

I use SQL Server 20120 with service pack 1 Developer Edition and Microsoft Windows 8 prof. at 64 bits.

I stay tune for your consideration.

Best regards.

Sergio Bertolotti

Hi Sergio,

is there any case that you changed the access right for your login on these databases? Please make sure you have similar access on your databases within your login/users.

Hi Alexander,

many thank’s for your answer.

I never change nothing. I only restore my DB’s from a previous backup.

The original DB is in SQL Server 2005. Now I restore it in SQL Server 2012 .

That’s all.

Best regards.

Sergio Bertolotti

Did you re-add yourself as a user on those DB’s? Doing a restore will note re-add you (although being a server admin should give you full rights to everything). If you did not re-add yourself, try going to server security, logins, and re-assigning yourself to the DB’s. If you have a login already on the DB’s, you will need to remove it first, as GUID’s will be different (unless you took steps to prevent that issue).

I have often seen developers lose rights to the development DB’s after a restore, even though their ID appears to be on the DB. Dropping the ID on the DB, and then adding them back in through the login security fixes the issue every time.

I hope this helps!

Hi JFischer_484,

many thank's for your support.

I use user of SQL Server sa to connect to my server. I try to add my Windows user to Group sysadmin of SQL but the problem still remain.

In attach you find a screenshot of secon tab of storage management.

As you can see, I select a DB of 55 MB size. In my previous screenshot on tab driver (first tab) the size is 0 B, but in the second tab the same DB is about 55 MB.

This is very strange...

Why on first 0 and in the second the size is correct ?

Best regards.

Sergio Bertolotti

Hi, Sergio.

Toad get’s file sizes from sys.master_files view on the Drives tab and from sys.database_files on the Databases tabs. And sometimes Sql Server updated sys.master_files later than sys.database_files.I think it’s the main reason of your situation.

We’ve changed a way of retrieving data in 6.1 so it will use sys.database_files on both tabs.

Thank you for your report I hope that my answer will help you.

Hi Shumilov,

many thank’s for your answer and clarification about this problem.

Yes, your answer help me to know that there is some problem in this feature of TOAD SS 6.0 and probably in 6.1 the problem will be solved.

For now thank you, and I stay tune for the new version 6.1.

Best regards.

Sergio Bertolotti

Hi Shumilov,

I test this problem with last beta version of TOAD SS 6.1 and for me the problem is still present.

Best regards.

Sergio Bertolotti

Hello Sergio,

I will look into this issue again and see if there is anything I can do. I will post back when I have more information.


Hello Michael,

OK. I stay tune for your information in future.

Best regards.

Sergio Bertolotti

Hello Michael,

last beta version of TOAD SS and the problem is still present.

Best regards.


Last BETA version of TOAD SS and the problem is still present

See screenshot below:

As you can see there are some database with size at 0.

Best regards,


Last Toad for SQL Server Beta and the problem is still present.

Best regards,


Hi Sergio,

I can reproduce this issue sometimes. So I reopen the issue TSS-16 to see if we can find the problem. I will reply you if we have any update. Thank you very much!

Best Regards,


Hi Kelly,

many thank’s for your support.

I hope to see problem solved. I have this problem from June 2013, now we are in January 2015.

I stay tune for your reply as soon as possible.

Best regards,


Hi Sergio,

I reviewed the SQLs we use for Drives page and Databases page, I could not find any clues that the SQL for Drives page would retrieve size data differently to the DB page.

I attached the 2 SQLs here. Could you run them directly in Toad when you connect to the server which has this problem? Please check the results sets of them and see if there is any differences. If there is, could you take a screen shot of it?


DISK_FILE_SIZE.sql (2.16 KB)

DB_FILE_SIZE.sql attached.
DB_FILE_SIZE.sql (2.44 KB)

Hi Vincent,

I run your 2 scripts, andI attach results ot these.


Result of script DISK_FILE_SIZE.SQL

As you can see, value -- NULL -- is the problem on my DB's.

I use SQL Server 2012 Developer Edition at 64 bits with service pack 3 in italian Language.

I hope this can help you.

Best regards,


Hi Vincent,

last Toad for SQL Server Beta

Same pronblem.

I stay tune for your answer,

Best regards,


Hi Sergio,

I’m sorry we could not fix this yet. 6.7 bug fixing is now closed. We moved the item to the top of 6.8 list.

