Problem on installing Toad, Oracle Client 11g tnsnames.ora


I am new student using Toad , and I followed the Toad’s instructions on how to install Toad on Window machine at

I was sucessfully installed Oracle Client , but I was running into problem on creating the tnsnames.ora file. According to the Step 5 – Configure Toad Data Point Oracle Connection from the Instructions**, ** I need to go to the C:\app\client directory but the problem was that the system can not find the specific path when I tried to cd to c:\app. So I would like to seek your helps and expertises. My question is that could I create the tnsnames.ora drive in other folder which is not the c:\app folder , and may i ask a tnsnames_ora as an envrionment variable and has a folder refer to it? Please verify it for me and please correct me if it works since I got an error in undefied path c:\app.

Many Thanks for ALL of your helps.

Hi minht,

That blog post does reference Toad Data Point. Are you trying to use Toad Data Point in your environment or Toad for Oracle? If TDP, you may need to post questions about that to the Toad Data Point forum, located here:

Either way, you can always edit your TNSNames file using Toad for Oracle by downloading the trial and clicking on the "TNSNames Editor" button on Toad's Login window, located here:

TNSNames Editor2.png

That will let you edit your TNSNames file and place it in the correct place.


*I need to go to the C:\app\client directory but the problem was that the system can not find the specific path when I tried to cd to c:\app. *


The c:/app path is just a directory in which the Oracle Database is installed and could be different for different users. The directory and file being referred to, which would be the same for all users, is C:\\product\\network\admin\tnsnames.ora in which multiple \\ refer to a variable intermediate directory path. As an example the directory path could be C:\minht\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora