Query Results Changing When Sending To Pivot Grid

I have a scenario where a particular column of data is changing after the query results are sent to a pivot grid. Steps:

  1. Run Query, view the Results Tab.

  2. Right-click in the results, Send To, Pivot Grid.

  3. Start pivoting the data. When I add "Last Run" to the Data Area, it defaults to Sum, I change to Max, and change the Number Format to Date, but the data still displays as an integer.

  4. Thinking that I have accidentally referenced the incorrect column in my query, I return to the query results and see that every value in the "Last Run" column is now NULL.
    If I run the query again, the results then appear just as in Step 1 (above)...date values.

Why is the send to pivot grid action NULLifying the "Last Date" column?

Note: I did figure out that in the pivot grid that I also needed to set the Group By to Default to see the date, as it the defaults to Month, i.e., the number being displayed was the month number of the max date.

Toad Data Point (32 bit)
Windows 7

That issue is easy to reproduce. I entered QAT-14664 for this