This process works and is available to me - i can select a table space but however the icon to launch quest space manager does nothing. is there a tool there ?
here is the spool...
-- Timestamp: 14:29:05.106
select 1 from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name = 'SYSTEM' and extent_management = 'LOCAL';
-- Timestamp: 14:29:05.362
-- if this query is slow, see Oracle Doc ID 1292253.1
select a.tablespace_name,
round(a.bytes_alloc / 1024 / 1024) megs_alloc,
round(nvl(b.bytes_free, 0) / 1024 / 1024) megs_free,
round((a.bytes_alloc - nvl(b.bytes_free, 0)) / 1024 / 1024) megs_used,
round((nvl(b.bytes_free, 0) / a.bytes_alloc) * 100) Pct_Free,
100 - round((nvl(b.bytes_free, 0) / a.bytes_alloc) * 100) Pct_used,
round(maxbytes/1048576) Max,
c.status, c.contents
from ( select f.tablespace_name,
sum(f.bytes) bytes_alloc,
sum(decode(f.autoextensible, 'YES',f.maxbytes,'NO', f.bytes)) maxbytes
from dba_data_files f
group by tablespace_name) a,
select tablespace_name, sum(fs.blocks) * ts.blocksize bytes_free
from DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE fs, sys.ts$ ts
where ts.ts# = fs.tablespace_id
group by, ts.blocksize
) b,
dba_tablespaces c
where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name (+)
and a.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name
union all
select h.tablespace_name,
round(sum(h.bytes_free + h.bytes_used) / 1048576) megs_alloc,
round(sum((h.bytes_free + h.bytes_used) - nvl(p.bytes_used, 0)) / 1048576) megs_free,
round(sum(nvl(p.bytes_used, 0))/ 1048576) megs_used,
round((sum((h.bytes_free + h.bytes_used) - nvl(p.bytes_used, 0)) / sum(h.bytes_used + h.bytes_free)) * 100) Pct_Free,
100 - round((sum((h.bytes_free + h.bytes_used) - nvl(p.bytes_used, 0)) / sum(h.bytes_used + h.bytes_free)) * 100) pct_used,
round(sum(decode(f.autoextensible, 'YES', f.maxbytes, 'NO', f.bytes) / 1048576)) max,
c.status, c.contents
from sys.v_$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER h,
sys.v_$Temp_extent_pool p,
dba_temp_files f,
dba_tablespaces c
where p.file_id(+) = h.file_id
and p.tablespace_name(+) = h.tablespace_name
and f.file_id = h.file_id
and f.tablespace_name = h.tablespace_name
and f.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name
group by h.tablespace_name, c.status, c.contents