RE: Out of resources error
So the coworker uninstalled 11.x and 10.6 and installed 10.5. Everything is fine
with 10.5. Is there anything I can to help isolate the problem? Chris From: [] On Behalf Of John Dorlon
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 2:54 PM To: Subject: RE:
[toad] RE: Out of resources error The error message is not very clear, but
it’s not about memory. It happens when there is some error during
painting. I’ve found that if you have enough physical ram that
you’re sure you won’t need it all, best performance is achieved by
setting virtual memory to zero.
Some suggested restarting the machine. Did that not help? Also, does it
happen when he installs 10.6 with fresh options or options imported from 10.5?
I’d try fresh options if you have not tried that yet. From: [] On Behalf Of Tryon,
Christopher S Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 12:09 PM To:
Subject: RE: [toad] RE: Out of resources error So the coworker uninstalled 11.x
and 10.6 and installed 10.5. Everything is fine with 10.5. Is there anything I
can to help isolate the problem? Chris
Maybe the restart did help. He was now able to get 10.6 working with a fresh set
of options. That may be it for now. Thanks for all the help! Chris From: [] On Behalf Of John Dorlon
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 1:21 PM To: Subject: RE:
[toad] RE: Out of resources error Some suggested restarting the machine. Did
that not help? Also, does it happen when he installs 10.6 with fresh options or
options imported from 10.5? I’d try fresh options if you have not tried
that yet.
setting to 0 allows the OS to configure virtual ram for you. you can run memory
profilers a very primitive profiler is on Windows Task Manager/Performance load
each program one at a time and observe the deltas Martin
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Sorry, what I really meant is choosing the “no paging file” option.