Rename Model File

I am working with multiple models within a project. When I initial create the model it creates a corresponding file in the location I choose. If I rename the model from the TDM UI, the file is not also renamed.

Is there anyway to rename a model file once it has been created?

Hello smacneil,

that's default behavior and is by design. You can change model name by selecting it and pressing F2 (or via popup menu of that model), but filename of that model will stay unchanged.
Filename of the model is set once it's saved on disk and never changes (at least from TDM UI).

Have a nice weekend,


Thanks. So this means there is also no way to change the name that appears for the model in an HTML report? I made a typo when I first created the model, but I guess the only solution is to copy and paste it into a newly created model that is spelled correctly?

Yes, you are right. I've made an enhancement request in our system (TMB-1921: [TDM] Rename model file included within the project) so you can track it in future release notes.

Best regards,