Could you please let me know the steps to generate reports in PDF.
In the report I am looking for all the ERD diagrams, relationships, attributes etc… In my model I have 64 workspaces and 87 tables.
I followed below steps and in my report I see 906 pages which is huge and I cant present this to business, please suggest me is there any alternate option to shorten this 906 pages.
Model – Generate report-- Run – Checked PDF – Landscape , Settings - Checked “Draw table frames” - No Watermark —> “What to Report” - I checked all the options --> “Select Workspaces”-- Checked all workspace — “Options” — In options tab I ran the reports by default checks.
By default all objects are selected and reported on level "Summary and Details". You can generate brief report by select only Summary. Another way is uncheck objects that are not important to your report.
In RTF and PDF reports are not option to generate diagrams as in HTML reports, but you can print diagram to some virtual PDF printer.
By using HTML option I am able to generate the report.
In the report I used left menu layout, that way I am able to access entire ER diagrams, relationships, attributes, indexes etc., by having just one click. Which is very informative about the entire data model.
By default, HTML report is saved in my C drive.
a. I copied the html report from C drive and pasted in shared drive so that other users can access it. However from shared drive they were not able to access it.
b. Could you please let me know how to share this report to other users?
While generating HTML report:
a. I could see a report in HTML format with the name what I pick. [ This is perfect]
b. At the same time…I see there are so many JPG, PNG files are generated, and these files are not aligned properly.
Example: PNG files are generated for individual workspace, if we open one PNG file the entire ERD is not clear.
So… Is there any option to stop generating this JPG PNG files as we have entire information in one place which is in the HTML report.
HTML report is set of files. So you need copy all folder. The best process is Generate HTML report to empty folder. You will know that in this folder will be only files of this report. Default path is
C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Toad Data Modeler\Reports\HTML\index.html
So try change HTML folder to MyHTML and after generating copy all this folder.
It is strange, because we tested generate of diagrams to HTML report and all is OK. Could you send us some screenshot what is wrong and your browser type?
You can switch-off generate diagrams to reports on last wizard page “Options” - “Generate ER Diagram”
Looks like I should keep the set of files to open the HTML report and these set of files are in C drive when I installed TDM.
While generating report, if I check "Generate ER diagram" in options, it gives me the complete ER diagram with relationships. This is what I was looking for.
Please find the attached screen snap:
Attachment 1 - ER diagram with relationship [ This looks very good in the report to present to business or ETL folks ]
Attachment 2 - This screen snap is from C drive --> Whenever I generate a report it pulls all the information from the model .
Example: a. It pulls ERD for all the table, in my case I have around 366 tables, so it pulls all the 366 ERD. b. It pulls report for index, trigger etc.
Finally, it generates one master HTML report with all the details, which is shown in attachment 1.
Question : Is that possible to avoid generating all the 366 ERD in C drive, as it generates one MASTER HTML report in one place.
you’ve attached only the second screenshot but you are right. The HTML report consists of the set of files. If you generate report of the model with the large ER diagram the final picture is split to the set of the smaller PNG files and these small pictures are folded back into one big picture of your ERD on the HTML page.
You can select which ERD will be generated on the frame Select Workspaces in the report wizard. If you also uncheck the option “Generate All model objects” only the graphical objects placed on the selected ERD will be generated (plus the rest of objects from the model without graphical representation, e.g procedures, function, etc.). You can also influence what objects will be generated by checking /unchecking these object on the frame What to report.
Please find the attachment 1. [ I am able to attach only one file at a time in my post].
As I said earlier, Attachment 1 is the perfect report which shows all the ERD created in a model. As we have one MASTER HTML report [ shown in the attachment 1] with all the ERD in one place, I am still confused why we need 366 ERD in PNG format for each table.
Generating report for each ERD in PNG format is not in clear format and I would say its INCOMPLETE if we open one PNG file.
It would be great if we stop generating report for each ERD. I understand if we uncheck "Generate ER diagram" in options wizard, this will stop generating ERD. But if we uncheck this option we will not get the MASTER HTML report as well.
Technically I am trying to understand how to avoid generating report for each ERD in PNG format as we have a MASTER HTML report and this MASTER report will save some space.
I'm not clear if reason, that you have more png files is that you have more workspaces or, that you have big workspace and TDM divide it to smaller png files.
If it is first case you can reduce number of generated erd diagrams, please use "Select Workspaces" tab in Report Wizard. It will generate only ERD diagrams of selected workspaces.
If reason is second case - too big workspace, there are no possibility how to generate one big png file. We divided to more smaller png, because there are resources limits.