I have run a SELECT in Oracle and one in Netezza.
I would now like to compare the two results sets.
So, I,...
Selected Tools | Compare | Data Diff Viewer
And now I see a window that suggests I can compare tables, but I don't see anyway to compare the two results sets.
I'm on Toad Data Point
Several ways to do this, but simplest way is to right-click within the data grid of one of your query results and Compare to another grid, per snap below. This will bring up that same Data Diff viewer you mentioned. Hope this helps.
Another method is to save each result set to a table (Local Storage, for example) and then have TDP compare table1 to table2.
Thank you Gary.
Right mouse click on the first results grid got me to the point where I can now compare two result sets.
Can I ask you a followup question?
Some of the rows in my Netezza answer set match up exactly to the rows in my Oracle answer set, and some do not.
How do I see only the rows that do not match?
Perhaps this warning is the reason why?
However, I do not understand exactly what this warning is saying, nor what I do to fix the situation.
How can I see only the mismatches?
Oh, I was able to just now assign the 'keys' correctly for the compare.
I can now see matches and mismatches AOK.
Thanks again for your help.