The same report in HTML displayed the Chinese characters properly. Is there a way to work around the issue for reports in .rtf format?
So, the problem occurs only in object names. The other text is displayed properly in the report?
There are several places where object names are displayed (Eg Table Report - list of tables, or particular table properties…). Could you please send us a screenshot where exactly the problem is?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Vladka,
Attached is the report in both RTF and HTML formats.
For the RTF report, please look for table “Scott.T_CUSTOMER”. It’s “PK_T_CUSTOMER” and Index column names.
For the HTML report, as long as we set the Encoding to “Chinese Traditional (Big5)”, the column in Chinese characters are displayed correctly.
Best Regards,
Mobile (886) 922 560 365
Could you please try to send the attachments again? Unfortunately, I cannot see any.
Thanks very much.
Hello Daisy,
Thanks for the attachments.
Yes, there’s a bug. The reports should be saved in UTF-8 encoding. We will fix it. CR # 49 379.
Thanks very much for your notification and patience!
Vladka + TDM Team
That’s great. What is the time frame for the fix to be available?
Best Regards,
Mobile (886) 922 560 365
Hi Daisy,
I’ve asked our developers. They need to discuss some possible solutions first. As soon as I know more about the time frame for the fix, I’ll let you know.
Thanks for your patience.
Hi Daisy,
Great news - problem has been fixed. The fix will be implemented in next Beta 3.2.2 (will be probably released in two weeks).
Thanks for your great co-operation and patience!
Vladka + TDM Team
That’s great. Any idea of the next GA date? I would also ask customer to try the Beta version as well.
Best Regards,
Mobile (886) 922 560 365
Any idea of the next GA date?
Not for now. TBA status.