I am going to write some perl script in the near future and would like to know if Toad will run it or do I have to take other steps to run the Perl code?
If Toad does run Perl scripts, is there any setup that needs to be done?
Thank you,
I am going to write some perl script in the near future and would like to know if Toad will run it or do I have to take other steps to run the Perl code?
If Toad does run Perl scripts, is there any setup that needs to be done?
Thank you,
If need to run remotely on Unix, you’ll have to save the file in the editor to disk, use Toad ftp to upload it to Unix, then use PUTTY to login and run the
If you instead mean running perl on same box as Toad, the answer is basically no – no real way to auto submit editor contents to external program to run (other
than SQL Plus and QSR) …
Suggestion – add a request to the asktoad.com website to request ability to configure external execute for the compile/execute drop-down so you can run editor
contents in any external program you setup/configure in toad ….
From: jbrouard [mailto:bounce-jbrouard@toadworld.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:44 AM
Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Running Perl code in Toad
Thread created by jbrouard
I am going to wrote some perl script in the near future and would like to know if Toad will run it or do I have to take other steps to run the Perl code?
If Toad does run Perl scripts, is there any set that needs to be done?
Thank you,
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Thank you Bert. That answered my question. A request to asktoad.com is the place I will go.
Here’s another option for you as well, you can save your file from the editor and create an FTP / Remote Exec App in the Automation Designer to upload and run
your perl script. You can get your results sent to the output window this way too.
From: jbrouard [mailto:bounce-jbrouard@toadworld.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:10 AM
Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Running Perl code in Toad
Reply by jbrouard
Thank you Bert. That answered my question. A request to asktoad.com is the place I will go.
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