Is there a way to get schema browser to look like dbms_metadata.get_ddl output or vice versa. ?
For example, dbms will output CREATE OR REPLACE EDITIONABLE PACKAGE "SCHEMA"."ABC" where as the schema browser will output CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE SCHEMA.ABC.
Another example is that the schema browser will put a / at the end of package, where dbms won't. Grants are listed, but with dbms you have to add get dependent ddl along with a check on dba_tab_privs.
The quoting in the create or replace line and the tailing / are the only things really holding me up.
There are a lot of options for scripts generated by Toad.
If you want to have schema and object name double-quoted, you can set in main Toad options -> Oracle -> General. Set "Double Quote Object Names" to "All".
Check this option for trailing slash.
Another example is that the schema browser will put a / at the end of package, where dbms won't.
Oops, I read this one backwards. There no way to remove that slash in Toad. That option in my screen shot really applies to other objects types. Maybe it would be easier for you to add the slash to your dbms_metadata output, so it will match Toad.