I hope Compare Multiple Schemas works out for you but we would also like to know exactly what is going on with Compare Schemas. Some options did not work in 12.11 but we fixed them in 12.12. Have you had a chance to try 12.12 to see if these options still don’t work? If you find these issues in 12.12, please tell us specifically what is not working.
From: stefan.graf [mailto:bounce-stefangraf@toadworld.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 2:10 AM
To: toadoracle@toadworld.com
Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Schema compare in Toad 12.12
Schema compare in Toad 12.12
Thread created by stefan.graf
please can we get back the old version - Toad 12.10 an later - of the schema compare. The new one is unusable!
Several compare options don’t work - ignore case sensitive, ignore schema names -, so there are more differences then it is.
In the tree there is no option to deselect an group or all differences.
In the differences overview there is no popup menu - lost in delphi object inspector ?
- but ^F for search works. Jump to the next differences or a detail view and copy and past is not available.
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