I need your support in getting a SQL Monitor that works on 64 bit windows 7, as my current SQL monitor does not trace any SQL statements.
I need your support in getting a SQL Monitor that works on 64 bit windows 7, as my current SQL monitor does not trace any SQL statements.
Hi Yasser
I tried running SQL Monitor on Windows 7 and like you said, it does not work.
SQL Tracker replaced SQL Monitor and has been installed along with SQL Navigator from 6.3 onwards. You should try to use SQL Tracker, I beleive it will work for you.
Do you have SQL Navigator version 6.3+ installed?
Thanks a lot Lidia for your reply, Actually I don’t have SQL Navigator installed on my PC and I don’t also have it’s source. please recommend for me a free version.
Hi Yasser,
Please follow the link to the Quest - SQL Navigator page.
You will need to register, then you can download SQL Navigator and request a trial license.
Hello? Lidia
When I trying to attach to 64-bit process by Quest SQL Tracker, i’ve got exception “Failed to create remote thread; error = 5 (Access denied)”.
Does Quest SQL Tracker work with 64-bit applications?
Thank you.
Hi Yasser
I am unsure if SQL Tracker supports monitoring of 64 bit processors as it is actually developed by different team not the SQL Navigator team.
Here is a link to the latest SQL Tracker version 3.0.1:
You can unzip this zip file to a different directory and run the sqldbmon.exe file from that location.
If you still have issues please contact the Quest Support team (https://support.quest.com/) and they will be able to further assist you.