Windows 7 Compatible?

I apologize in advance for having to post this question. I’m sure the answer is out there but the forum search has “opportunities”.

Is SQL Navigator 6.2.1 Windows 7 compliant? If not officially compliant, will it run? Our company is starting to rollout Windows 7 for testing and I am trying to figure out which of our applications are already compliant.


Hi Randy,

In the next release v6.3, we will officially add Windows 7 to the list of OS which SQL Navigator will support.

We have SQL Navigator v6.2.1 running on Windows 7 (in house) for a while without any issue. We believe that it will be fine for you to use SQL Navigator 6.2.1 on Windows 7.

Thanks and regards,

Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

I just installed Oracle Development Suite on my new Windows 7 box, I can use tnsping to ping my databases or use sqlplus to connect, but when I try to connect using SQL Nav 6.2.1 I get the following:
“ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified”

Hi Randy,

Which version of Oracle Developer Suite you are using?


I have the same issue, ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

I don’t know why, i m using Windows 7 x64 and SQL Navigator 6.2.0


Is your oracle client 32 bits?
does the list of tns databases appear correctly? did you try using direct connection?

If you are using 64 bits Oracle Client, you may need to install a 32 bits client. SQL Naviagator only support 32 bits client but there is a CR to support 64 bits client.


I had Oracle Developer Suite 10g installed and as I understand it includes 32-big 10g client.

SQL Navigator did not work because it got installed into C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest Software
I had to uninstall it completely and re-install into C:\Quest Software\ folder. Only after that it was able to connect.

Strange…I have it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest Software\


Then maybe you’re just lucky. Or the 64-bit problem was fixed in 6.3…

See also this thread.

I had that problem before but I have now sql nav in program Files (x86) and it works fine (version 6.2.1 and betas of 6.3)

I’m now using the instant client, and before I was using also the Oracle Developer suite (maybe that was the problem)

Message was edited by: Fsilva

Hi All,

As per noted in the release note:

SQL Navigator support 64bit OS (including win7) but it can only support 32bit Oracle clients.

With 64bit OS, It is strongly recommended that you install SQL Navigator outside of program files folder
ex. ‘c:\Quest software\SQL Navigator…’. SQL Navigator cannot detect location of OCI.dll if there is ‘()’ in the installation path.

Some oracle clients might work when having SQL Navigator installed in program Files (x86), but it is best to have SQL Navigator installed in the folder without ‘()’.

Thanks and Regards,


Is Windows 7 Compatible with SQL Navigator 5.5? Thanks! I’m getting an error upon launching the app “Missing OCI.DLL”.

Hi Marissa,

I have v5.5.4 installed in Windows 7 in the foldername that does not have ‘(’ in the path and using the 32bits Oracle client. Everything is working fine in that environment.

Could you please check your installation path of v5.5. With earlier 32bits Oracle clients, SQL Nav will not work when installed into the program files (x86) folder in window7.



I am using windows 8.1 Pro MCE 64 bits.

My DB is standalone and its on same machine.

Version is 12c, 64 bit.

I am using SQL navigator 6.2

It got installed successfully in machine, but when ever starting, saying an error ‘OCI.DLL’ not found, and exiting saying access violation error.

Please suggest if SQL navigator 6.2 is supporting windows 8.1 64 bit OS or else I have to try some other methods.

sql navigator 6.2 is not tested in win8 system, but one thing’s for sure, sqlnav requires 32bit Oracle client. could you please try to install a 32bit client in your win8 and run sqlnav again?