SQL Recall stopped working


I’m running the Toad for Oracle ( and for some reason, Toad is no longer saving my SQL Statements. The statements stopped saving after 11/22/2011, and I still have all of those statements, but any new SQL’s I execute are not being stored.

I checked the options panel, and I have the following settings:
Save only valid sttements: Enabled
Statements to save: 9999
Show only statements for the active session: Disabled
Limit per connection: Disabled

I love this feature and use it all the time, does anyone have any ideas why it stopped working, and how to get it working again?

Thanks in advance, and please let me know if further information is required.

Same for me. Have you figured out how to get it working again?

Mine 5c thought is that either you have upgraded to newer version (without upgrading Toad HOME) or somehow directory where Toad store statements is wrong or changed also.

In a case of upgrade, can you try Utilities|Copy User Settings and choose from valid Toad home … this should help …

girsang, what version of Toad are you on? If you can email me the SQLRecall.dat file along with your Toad.ini I can take a look at it in the latest source. My email is michael.staszewskiquest.com.




“SQLRecall.dat” doesn’t exists on 12.x installation anywhere … so this is pure 11.x version file or I’m missing something?

I’m trying to learn something deeper about Toad, so please find mine answer as a wish to be more helpful to customers where I teach Toad …



Hello Damir,

The file Michael is looking for is called SavedSQL.dat.



From: damir.vadas_531 [mailto:bounce-damirvadas_531@toadworld.com]

Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 7:48 AM

To: toadoracle@toadworld.com

Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] SQL Recall stopped working

RE: SQL Recall stopped working

Reply by damir.vadas_531


“SQLRecall.dat” doesn’t exists on 12.x installation anywhere … so this is pure 11.x version file or I’m missing something?

I’m trying to learn something deeper about Toad, so please find mine answer as a wish to be more helpful to customers where I teach Toad …



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Correct. Damir, It's a file generated by Toad and it exists in the appdata\User Files path.


On 12/11/2013 08:39 AM, Brad Boddicker wrote:

RE: SQL Recall stopped working

Reply by Brad Boddicker
Hello Damir,

The file Michael is looking for is called SavedSQL.dat.



From: damir.vadas_531 [mailto:bounce-damirvadas_531@toadworld.com]

Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 7:48 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] SQL Recall stopped working

RE: SQL Recall stopped working

Reply by damir.vadas_531


"SQLRecall.dat" doesn't exists on 12.x installation anywhere .... so this is pure 11.x version file or I'm missing something?

I'm trying to learn something deeper about Toad, so please find mine answer as a wish to be more helpful to customers where I teach Toad ...



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uf … now I got it … before I was searching “SQL*.dat” and normally no file found.

Now is all clear … thx a lot