Hi Jeff,
Hey, everyone has to start somewhere. I enjoy answering the
questions. It's just sometimes the questions asked scare me.
Me too!
I remember my first day as a "DBA". I had been left instructions by the
former DBA (now gone!) to remove a file from the server as we needed the
space to create a new tablespace in the production database. That
database held all the source code for our suite of applications.
I did so. No space freed up. Hmmm.
Ask a Unix guru I though. He said to shut down the database to free the
file and the space would be restored to Unix. Now, I should have noticed
a problem there and then - if the database still has the file open, why
have I just dropped it? Something wrong here surely?
Unfortunately, the penny didn't drop at that point. I shut the database,
got the space freed up and then horror, the database wouldn't restart
because of a missing file! Panic! I now have about 120 developers
twiddling their thumbs until I can get it back up and running - and I
didn't have a clue what I was doing.
Someone out there on the internet took up the challenge and we got the
database running by 02:00 in the AM. I sent him a bottle of whisky - of
high quality malt as well - for saving my backside.
That's one of the reasons I try and help out anyone out there in the
internet when I can.
It turned out that previous DBA had NOT dropped the tablespace when he
left the instructions that he had. Duh!
Norm. [TeamT]
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