update the developer database

oracle database;

I am new to use Toad with Oracle.
my boss asked me to do update the data between developer database and production database. our team haven’t been updated with the developer database for long time.
it might have a little differenct table structure(more columns) between two databases.

would you please help me how to update developer database using Toad ?


Toad with dba module offers something called the data subset wizard which lets
you take a subset copy (1-100%) of the prod data and put in test or dev

We reclone the QA database from PROD (and do some massaging) every three months
so our QA environment is reasonably current. The DBAs do the RECLONE. Once in a
while development databases also get RECONEd from PROD.

data subset wizard is cool to copy the schema of Production database.
is there just only copy data of the table itself to the developer box from the production database.

thanks in advance.

you said you clone the database from Prod every three months.

I am new to database .would you tell me how to reclone the database using toad?

The DBAs do it. No Toad facility. It requires backups, recoveries, and other
stuff that DBAs do. I am not a DBA so I don’t know and don’t want to
know. It takes 2 or 3 days.

If you just want to copy one table, go to the production database, find the
table in the schema browser, right-click, choose “copy data to another
schema”, and then you can pick the target schema.

If the columns of the target table do not match the source table, you should
make them match first. To see the differences, right-click the table from
the schema browser and choose “compare with another object”

You can also use the oracle data pump (or older export/import) to make a logical
backup of tables to copy from one database to another - and toad has a wizard
for that too J


since this is your first time, is there a colleague who has done the work your bosses want you to do?
If so, ask him how to do it. He should be able to show you and/or train you.

If you are all alone in this, and you are supposed to be the DBA for these databases, then I strongly suggest you first RTFM (loosy translated: hit the books before you do anything)

If you are not the DBA, then go to your DBA and ask him to do it or how to do it. He should be familiar with the specific conditions at your location. He can also determine if you have enough knowledge and rights to actually do the job you are asked to do.

And last but not least: refreshing the development database should have been done before (I assume), so look around if there is any documentation/manual that walks you trough it step by step. If it does not exist, then make one while you refresh the developer database.

Kind regards,

Jörgen Adriaanse
gemeente Renkum
The Netehrlands

jim 24-2-2010 22:04 >>>

Message from: jim0412

you said you clone the database from Prod every three months.

I am new to database .would you tell me how to reclone the database using toad?

Historical Messages

Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 13:04:36 PST 2010
you said you clone the database from Prod every three months.

I am new to database .would you tell me how to reclone the database using toad?


Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 13:02:26 PST 2010
data subset wizard is cool to copy the schema of Production database.
is there just only copy data of the table itself to the developer box from the production database.

thanks in advance.


Author: 21bobdog
Date: Wed Feb 24 09:37:55 PST 2010
We reclone the QA database from PROD (and do some massaging) every three months so our QA environment is reasonably current. The DBAs do the RECLONE. Once in a while development databases also get RECONEd from PROD.

Author: Bert Scalzo
Date: Wed Feb 24 08:55:53 PST 2010
Toad with dba module offers something called the data subset wizard which lets you take a subset copy (1-100%) of the prod data and put in test or dev

Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 08:55:53 PST 2010
oracle database;

I am new to use Toad with Oracle.
my boss asked me to do update the data between developer database and production database. our team haven't been updated with the developer database for long time.
it might have a little differenct table structure(more columns) between two databases.

would you please help me how to update developer database using Toad ?




since this is your first time, is there a colleague who has done the work your
bosses want you to do?

If so, ask him how to do it. He should be able to show you and/or train you.

If you are all alone in this, and you are supposed to be the DBA for these
databases, then I strongly suggest you first RTFM (loosy translated: hit the
books before you do anything)

If you are not the DBA, then go to your DBA and ask him to do it or how to do
it. He should be familiar with the specific conditions at your location. He can
also determine if you have enough knowledge and rights to actually do the job
you are asked to do.

And last but not least: refreshing the development database should have been
done before (I assume), so look around if there is any documentation/manual that
walks you trough it step by step. If it does not exist, then make one while you
refresh the developer database.

Kind regards,

Jörgen Adriaanse

gemeente Renkum

The Netehrlands

jim 24-2-2010 22:04 >>>

Message from: jim0412

you said you clone the database from Prod every three months.

I am new to database .would you tell me how to reclone the database using toad?

Historical Messages

Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 13:04:36 PST 2010
you said you clone the database from Prod every three months.

I am new to database .would you tell me how to reclone the database using toad?


Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 13:02:26 PST 2010
data subset wizard is cool to copy the schema of Production database.
is there just only copy data of the table itself to the developer box from the
production database.

thanks in advance.


Author: 21bobdog
Date: Wed Feb 24 09:37:55 PST 2010
We reclone the QA database from PROD (and do some massaging) every three months
so our QA environment is reasonably current. The DBAs do the RECLONE. Once in a
while development databases also get RECONEd from PROD.

Author: Bert Scalzo
Date: Wed Feb 24 08:55:53 PST 2010
Toad with dba module offers something called the data subset wizard which lets
you take a subset copy (1-100%) of the prod data and put in test or dev

Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 08:55:53 PST 2010
oracle database;10. 1.2.0

I am new to use Toad with Oracle.
my boss asked me to do update the data between developer database and production
database. our team haven't been updated with the developer database for long
it might have a little differenct table structure(more columns) between two

would you please help me how to update developer database using Toad ?



att1.dat (43 Bytes)


since this is your first time, is there a colleague who has done the work your bosses want you to do?
If so, ask him how to do it. He should be able to show you and/or train you.

If you are all alone in this, and you are supposed to be the DBA for these databases, then I strongly suggest you first RTFM (loosy translated: hit the books before you do anything)

If you are not the DBA, then go to your DBA and ask him to do it or how to do it. He should be familiar with the specific conditions at your location. He can also determine if you have enough knowledge and rights to actually do the job you are asked to do.

And last but not least: refreshing the development database should have been done before (I assume), so look around if there is any documentation/manual that walks you trough it step by step. If it does not exist, then make one while you refresh the developer database.

Kind regards,

Jörgen Adriaanse
gemeente Renkum
The Netehrlands

jim 24-2-2010 22:04 >>>

Message from: jim0412

you said you clone the database from Prod every three months.

I am new to database .would you tell me how to reclone the database using toad?

Historical Messages

Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 13:04:36 PST 2010
you said you clone the database from Prod every three months.

I am new to database .would you tell me how to reclone the database using toad?


Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 13:02:26 PST 2010
data subset wizard is cool to copy the schema of Production database.
is there just only copy data of the table itself to the developer box from the production database.

thanks in advance.


Author: 21bobdog
Date: Wed Feb 24 09:37:55 PST 2010
We reclone the QA database from PROD (and do some massaging) every three months so our QA environment is reasonably current. The DBAs do the RECLONE. Once in a while development databases also get RECONEd from PROD.

Author: Bert Scalzo
Date: Wed Feb 24 08:55:53 PST 2010
Toad with dba module offers something called the data subset wizard which lets you take a subset copy (1-100%) of the prod data and put in test or dev

Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 08:55:53 PST 2010
oracle database;

I am new to use Toad with Oracle.
my boss asked me to do update the data between developer database and production database. our team haven't been updated with the developer database for long time.
it might have a little differenct table structure(more columns) between two databases.

would you please help me how to update developer database using Toad ?




since this is your first time, is there a colleague who has done the work your
bosses want you to do?

If so, ask him how to do it. He should be able to show you and/or train you.

If you are all alone in this, and you are supposed to be the DBA for these
databases, then I strongly suggest you first RTFM (loosy translated: hit the
books before you do anything)

If you are not the DBA, then go to your DBA and ask him to do it or how to do
it. He should be familiar with the specific conditions at your location. He can
also determine if you have enough knowledge and rights to actually do the job
you are asked to do.

And last but not least: refreshing the development database should have been
done before (I assume), so look around if there is any documentation/manual that
walks you trough it step by step. If it does not exist, then make one while you
refresh the developer database.

Kind regards,

Jörgen Adriaanse

gemeente Renkum

The Netehrlands

jim 24-2-2010 22:04 >>>

Message from: jim0412

you said you clone the database from Prod every three months.

I am new to database .would you tell me how to reclone the database using toad?

Historical Messages

Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 13:04:36 PST 2010
you said you clone the database from Prod every three months.

I am new to database .would you tell me how to reclone the database using toad?


Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 13:02:26 PST 2010
data subset wizard is cool to copy the schema of Production database.
is there just only copy data of the table itself to the developer box from the
production database.

thanks in advance.


Author: 21bobdog
Date: Wed Feb 24 09:37:55 PST 2010
We reclone the QA database from PROD (and do some massaging) every three months
so our QA environment is reasonably current. The DBAs do the RECLONE. Once in a
while development databases also get RECONEd from PROD.

Author: Bert Scalzo
Date: Wed Feb 24 08:55:53 PST 2010
Toad with dba module offers something called the data subset wizard which lets
you take a subset copy (1-100%) of the prod data and put in test or dev

Author: jim
Date: Wed Feb 24 08:55:53 PST 2010
oracle database;10. 1.2.0

I am new to use Toad with Oracle.
my boss asked me to do update the data between developer database and production
database. our team haven't been updated with the developer database for long
it might have a little differenct table structure(more columns) between two

would you please help me how to update developer database using Toad ?




Show this message and the previous message to your boss.

To work with Oracle (other than possibly doing simple queries) you MUST be
trained in SQL and PL/SQL. If you are making changes to the database you MUST be
trained as a DBA. The purpose of TOAD is to make your life (once you know what
you are doing) easier. Its purpose is NOT to replace training.

Even if Toad had a RECLONE WIZARD (I doubt if that is even possible) you would
still have to answer questions and you would need to know how to answer them.

In simpler language:

TOAD is a Machine gun. Training is advised before pulling the trigger J

This is a great reply.

You should put it on the sign-up blurb. Possibly add two icons. One with the
Toad holding the machine gun correctly, the other with the Toad holding the
machine gun with the barrel pointing at him and a question that says “Which
one are you?”

Or better yet, on the first sign up covering your ass dialogue (which lists all
the Oracle extra charge features that Toad supports and it asks the user to
confirm that it is illegal to use them without a license) include the question
“Do you know what you are doing?”

Well put Erwin. Toad is a great tool to make your life easier after you have
mastered or are very familiar with Oracle concepts and syntax. This is
especially true for DBA type activities. If I was your boss and you were a brand
new DBA I would give you Notepad, SQL*Plus and this link

It sounds like data pump is probably what you want to use. Yes Toad has a Data
Pump wizard but I would but like I said I would start with understanding how
data pump works and use the command line to do what you need to accomplish.



Or maybe the image of a “Slim Pickens” like toad riding the a-bomb like a
horse as it leaves the plane towards its target J

Norm – notepad? Let’s make it VI so we can really separate the men
from the boys J

What about the girls. Though maybe we don’t want to separate the men from
the girls.

Thank you so much for your advice. Thank you for all replies.
I am not DBA. I am involving with maintaining Data Consistence(test database and production database). I will read the document carefully for that.

For the CYA screen can we have Toad a pirate wielding a cutlass?

And instead of a ribbet a good loud “arrggh!” when the CYA appears – a bit
of sound to wake those of us asleep at the keyboard? (I’ll plead guilty on
this one…)

Deborah M Flad, DBA
Office: 302.633.2694 Emergencies: 302.528.3652
“Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this e-mail”

Hear Hear.
Verry well put gentlefolks.


Jörgen Adriaanse

Bert Scalzo 25-2-2010 15:36 >>>

Norm – notepad? Let’s make it VI so we can really separate the men from the boys J

Hear Hear.

Verry well put gentlefolks.


Jörgen Adriaanse

Bert Scalzo 25-2-2010 15:36 >>>

Norm – notepad? Let’s make it VI so we can really separate the men from the
boys J
att1.dat (43 Bytes)